Why do we need DEI? Well, spend a few seconds with quiz at left. Black lives didn’t matter at all until recently, and there are still systemic conditions in American society that perpetuate racial inequality.
Why do we need DEI? Well, spend a few seconds with quiz at left. Black lives didn’t matter at all until recently, and there are still systemic conditions in American society that perpetuate racial inequality.
Let’s hope that opposition to wokeism and DEI is just a passing fad. Yes, pushback against diversity is an effective tool used by Trump and his top people to keep the MAGA crowd stirred up. But let’s look forward to …
I spend a few minutes a week watching right-wing “news” shows, to get a feel for how they present their material. One thing I notice is that NewsMax, in their lower third, is rife with typos. Four examples in the …
What’s a sane reaction to a call for donations like this one? The Trump administration breaks the law several times a day. Are these people better prepared to deal with these atrocities than other “competitive” groups? Do they use your …
Here’s an article that walks the reader through a current-day misconception re: immigrants. What effect do immigrants have on Social Security? Trump supporters tend to believe that “real” Americans are harmed via immigrants’ mooching money out of the pool of …
This brilliant op-ed from Canadian journalist Pete McMartin includes this zinger: Where there was once admiration, there is now a firm and angry resolve. But what about the line: “It’s Over?” I would say, at worst, “It’s over for now.” …
An Opinion Piece in the Vancouver Sun: “Farewell to My American Friends. It’s Over.” Read More »
I thought this was funny, but in reality, liberals must deal with a ton of ridicule from the right wing. Normally this aggression come from the hateful morons, but not always. A rich and well-educated friend likes to kid me …
What Trump says here is true — and how often can we say that? Actually, however, in 1998 the average Republican was far brighter and more discerning that they are now. At this point, nothing seems outrageous. Annex Canada? Invade …
In this short interview, Donald Trump talks about his plans to take personal possession of Gaza. I don’t recall seeing grift like this from a single other world leader. See Bernie Sanders’ response below.
We’ve all heard the claim that decarbonizing our energy and transportation sectors will harm the economy. This narrative is critical to the far-right-wing’s claim that environmentalism is anti-capitalist, and, in particular, anti-American. But does it make sense? Granted, there are …