The statement at left has a certain surface-level appeal, but it’s inaccurate. What’s true: The United States was started by rich white male landowners, and its original laws were put into place to maintain the dominance of the wealthy Europeans. …
The statement at left has a certain surface-level appeal, but it’s inaccurate. What’s true: The United States was started by rich white male landowners, and its original laws were put into place to maintain the dominance of the wealthy Europeans. …
I don’t know a single person stupid enough to believe that schools keep the curricula secret from parents. You’re more than welcome to walk into your kids’ school, meet their teachers and administrators, leaf through the textbooks, join the PTA, …
What do you think is going to happen when, in a few months, consumer prices haven’t fallen? Answer: Fox News and the MAGA crowd will drop the topic like a hot rock, and pretend that Trump never promised to lower …
America’s political sensibilities are moving to the right, along with many other countries like Hungary, Turkey, Italy, Slovakia, Croatia and the Czech Republic, and that’s sad, but it’s a choice that the people of the United States are free to …
Along with the Rest of America, Tech Moves to the Right Read More »
What we need to learn from the content of the meme here is that the majority of American voters simply don’t care that their leader is a convicted felon, and that he committed treason against our country. Many of us …
Most decent people support this. But guess what? Overall, in the United States right now, it’s a minority position. At this point, we’re a nation dominated by greed and indifference to the well-being of others.
One thing we can observe about Aristotle’s writings from our modern standpoint is that we got a whole bunch of stuff wrong, and the quote at left is a good example. In fact, this specific quote was parodied by someone …
The position of many of today’s self-described “patriots” is offered at left. Apparently, the United States has reached a point at which we have to make a choice between: a) being honest about our history and the mistakes we’ve made, …
The United States Needs to be Honest with its Children Read More »
If you’re having trouble defining exactly what’s going wrong in the United States right now, you are to be forgiven. Yet, the words at left may be of service. We seem to be having just the tiniest bit of trouble …