One of Donald Trump‘s last acts in office was to pardon Steve Bannon for running off with the wall money, meaning Bannon’s scheme to rip off thousands of gullible MAGA folks by getting them to chip into a fund to …
One of Donald Trump‘s last acts in office was to pardon Steve Bannon for running off with the wall money, meaning Bannon’s scheme to rip off thousands of gullible MAGA folks by getting them to chip into a fund to …
I know, right? Incredibly low unemployment, record profits and stock prices, the Fed cutting interest rates due to falling inflation. Our portfolios are going through the roof. Obviously, anything can happen at any time, but “what this economy is going …
Let’s think about the point made at left for a second. What’s the most important difference between the lawn-game industry and the manufacturers of firearms that are intended to be weapons of war? Answer: Billions upon billions of dollars in …
Here’s a meme for the true moron. News flash: Schools teach neither patriotism nor “trendy ideologies.” IMO, if a particular teacher wanted to make a point on the subject here, it should be that the use of the U.S. military …
At left is something that has been said by many of the worlds greatest minds, from Socrates to Bertrand Russell. It’s interesting to note that religious cults try to cultivate certainty in their members. In many cases, questioning the ideas …
There are many ways of explaining why healthcare should not be a profit-making enterprise, but this one from film documentarian Michael Moore seems especially on-point.
As Ben Franklin observed in the 18th Century, ignorance imposes huge costs on society in many different forms. Sure, crime is among them, but take a look at what just happened here in the U.S. in November. The most poorly …
This guy makes an interesting point, one we’ve all encountered many times: science will replace religion. But if he were correct, Christianity would have begun to fade out in the 1860s and would be long gone by now.
Before the early 1960s, very few people believed that Earth’s environment needed to be protected. In fact, the prevalent thinking at the midpoint in the 20th Century was that the environment is here to serve humankind, that anything we did …
A reader sent me the meme at left and replied: “Liberals!” Ha! You’re not alone in your beliefs. But when we’re gone, you will be living in a country that features: • Lousy education and even higher levels of ignorance …