There were, of course, a few other things, like the lies about grocery prices, and the end of woke/DEI education and other governmental programs. Then there are the mass deportations; his people love this.
There were, of course, a few other things, like the lies about grocery prices, and the end of woke/DEI education and other governmental programs. Then there are the mass deportations; his people love this.
Re: the meme here, the precise opposite is true. If you interview the president’s supporters and ask them if they “do research” into Trump’s actions and statements, almost all of them would say, “Of course! That’s why I trust him …
There are probably many ways of going about trying to answer this question. I would head for the Freedom House, which “rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in …
We Boomers grew up at a time when lush green grass lawns and large expanses of concrete were the paradigm for our yards. Yet many of us today, if we had the chance to do all this over and re-invent …
Things are moving very quickly at this point. At this rate, government of, by, and for the people will be extinguished in fairly short order.
My wife and I had our kids in the mid-1990s. Bill Clinton, a sane human being, was the U.S. president, the economy was strong, the USSR had dissolved, the world was largely unaware of global warming, and the times were …
I just had the pleasure to meet a young couple from Norway. A couple of interesting elements from our discussion: 1) They live on the southern part of the country, and I told them about the fellow I met recently …
It seems that we Americans are watching our president working hard to destroy as many of our most beloved and important institutions as possible. Sure, most of these targets are in the realm of public health and safety, education, and …
Thanks to the reader who sent me this, as it provides hope. It’s possible that significant numbers of Trump supporters will come to realize that they’ve been conned, and that virtually nothing in this country is better under this administration …