Poorly Written PR Makes Author Look Like Jackass
It’s interesting to watch the ultra-right-wing Heritage Foundation, through its media arm The Daily Signal, use PR to forward its messages. They start off with the same framework that we all use:
Find a piece of breaking news that has some conceivable relation to the story you’d like to deliver to your audience, and then write something that connects the two. The challenge: make sure the relationship between the news and your message isn’t so far-fetched that you look like a fool, which is precisely what has happened in the case below.
Here’s the connection that the Daily Signal makes in this piece:
News: Cargo ship crashes into bridge in Baltimore
Message: If U.S. maritime regulators weren’t distracted by the radical left’s concern for climate change mitigation, this wouldn’t have happened.
Now, does this sound like utter crap to you? Probably, but that’s because you’re not a regular consumer of this garbage, and you don’t have an appetite for “information” that is written only because it supports your political points of view.