I’m afraid I have bad news.  If there is a legal mechanism by which we can arrive at the “new rule” discussed here, it will have to pass muster with the supporters of Donald Trump, the world’s most famous convicted felon, and that doesn’t sound too likely.

What seems to have bitten us in the butt here is it never entered into the minds of the framers of the Constitution that Americans would someday be enthusiastic about putting a felon in the White House; otherwise they would have written it into Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, along with “the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.”

Or maybe it did enter their minds, but they thought, “If future Americans are that ignorant and demented, they’ll get exactly what they deserve.”

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At left is what I find so amazing (and disgusting) about what the Republican party has become since Trump came to power.  There is not even the vaguest attempt to accomplish something that is “right” and “moral.”

It’s about tax cuts for the wealthiest and most powerful individuals and corporations, kicking millions of people off healthcare, killing women’s rights, and removing environmental regulations so that the fossil fuel industry can bake the planet.

Check out the contrast here to when Ike was president.

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I can’t guarantee this is real, but it’s funny, that’s for sure.

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This guy makes an excellent point: Why is the media so quiet about Trump’s failings, be they moral, fiscal, mental, or emotional?

My guess is that it goes back to what the president of CBS said shorty after Trump came on the U.S. political scene and immediately gained in popularity, “I know he’s terrible for America, but he’s great for CBS.”

It’s about money.  This is just one more way that Big Money ruins everything it touches.

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When one looks at this piece on Biden’s handling of Memorial Day, it’s hard not to think of Trump and how diametrically opposed the two are in their manner of addressing our nation.

One thing you can say about Trump is that, often, he actually does “tell it like it is” at least in terms of his incredibly selfish way of thinking. He doesn’t have any respect for our military personnel, and he doesn’t pretend to.  He doesn’t see any reason to keep up relations with our national allies, so suggesting that we drop out of NATO seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do.  And Lord knows he believes that huge portions of the world media and U.S. justice system are conspiring to ensure he never regains the U.S. presidency.

In addition, Trump knows that his base will readily agree with most of what he tells them, regardless of how obviously absurd it may be, so why be coy?

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It would be interesting to know how many Republican congresspeople agree with Gates, but won’t say so because of their desire to remain in power.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s over 90%.

Certainly, when Trump is permanently removed from government, there will be a deafening chorus from people (insincerely) claiming they never supported him.

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This is a point I make frequently, that our understanding of the universe is a one-way street, away from religion and in the direction of science.

Neil deGrasse Tyson was once asked, “So we only understand a small fraction of the universe.  Isn’t it possible that the rest of this is God?”

His reply, “If that’s the way you want to play it, sure.  Just keep in mind that you’re standing on an island that’s getting smaller with each passing year.”

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Nobody, at least me, is saying that this is a practical solution, given sandstorms and the challenge of distributing the energy to points of load around the globe.

I post it simply to remind us of the enormous amount of power we receive from the sun–6000 times more that all 8 billion of us are using.



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Right, Never Surrender. 

Keep those checks and credit card payments rolling in.


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Re: the piece on the left here, a reader notes: I read an article in The Atlantic and European leaders are extremely concerned about Trump winning again. Since Trump doesn’t (face up to) anything he really has absolutely no idea how the other NATO nations fear him being in office again. This especially true because he has repeatedly said he would back out of NATO.

Unfortunately, we are at a point in this country where almost half the electorate is so ignorant that they don’t understand (or care about) our position in the world and what it means for our own national security.

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