Pathological Believers
This British gentleman has nailed the core problem we face in the U.S.
I’m reminded of the occasional conversations I have with Fox News acolytes, where I’m compelled to ask, “And you believe that?”
This British gentleman has nailed the core problem we face in the U.S.
I’m reminded of the occasional conversations I have with Fox News acolytes, where I’m compelled to ask, “And you believe that?”
It’s quite possible that we actually are at the onset of a “collective awakening.”
Maybe we’ve seen enough. Enough hatred. Enough stupidity.
Maybe we see the handwriting on the wall for women’s rights, for environmental decay.
Maybe Americans don’t want a leader who came within a gnat’s fanny of overthrowing the government and setting democracy asunder.
Maybe enough is enough.
Bob Weir was only 16 years old when he cofounded The Grateful Dead with Jerry Garcia.
It would be interesting to know what percentage of our neighbors take the Book of Genesis literally and believe that the Earth is 6000 years old.
I suppose it depends on what we mean by “neighbors” and/or where we live, and therefore, who our neighbors actually are. If you’re in rural Mississippi, the answer will be far different than if you’re in Manhattan or San Francisco.
In any case, I grant that beliefs like this, i.e., those that require a wholesale dismissal of science, are frightening indeed. If you want to know how it’s possible that so many Americans are anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, and Trump supporters, this gives you a pretty good insight.
There are dozens of reasons to stay away from Texas, but this may sit at the very top of the list.
We’ve come to expect acts of white nationalist terrorism committed by rank-and-file hateful morons. But now we see these atrocities coming from the governor of the state.
That’s too much. Even for Texas.
In a previous post, I presented this short and extremely general video, in which a representative of ExxonMobil explains Direct Air Capture (DAC), a set of technologies that remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
I mentioned that the concept is doomed to failure, and everyone, including Exxon, knows this.
Their latest installment in promoting this bull**** claims they’re “testing the design in Texas.”
What could these tests possibly conclude? That the design actually does filter out CO2? I’ll grant that, even without the testing. In fact, there are several teams of people around the globe working on this. Only Exxon is spending a fortune promoting it, though, since they are the ones with the huge PR problem associated with baking the planet.
The problem here, and it’s insurmountable, is that this technology has a huge carbon footprint of its own, and that scaling it to deal with the Earth’s atmosphere is a joke.
What we’ve learned here is that almost half of Americans voters couldn’t care less about the Biden administration’s accomplishments vis-a-vis the environment.
Of course, most of Trump’s base will never hear about these victories, or, if they do, will think of them as victories for the big government, radical left socialists who hate our country.
It’s pathetic, but this is what we’re dealing with.
Before Donald Trump entered our nation’s political scene, this level of ignorance of American/world history (shown at left) would have disqualified a candidate from the White House just as assuredly as his own personal death. Before this time, to be the butt of jokes from junior high-schoolers would not have played well, even in the MAGA parts of the nation.
Now, of course, huge portions of voters don’t know that the events of 1775, 1812 and the 20th Century didn’t happen all at once.
Let’s accept that all our votes count the same. When it comes to our elections, intelligent and knowledgeable people have no advantage over the illiterate.
This country may get through this stupidity. Or, more probably, it will not.