What Went So Wrong in U.S. Education?
By the time young people in Europe leave high school, they are fluent in 3+ languages, have read Plato, and play at least one musical instrument fairly well.
Southeast Asians, as we all know, are more inclined towards math and science, which is why we see their surnames all over our hospital placards.
Americans are lucky if they can find Poland on a map of the world.
So, why this cataclysmic failure? I suspect that it’s a combination of factors, mostly rooted in U.S. politics. Americans have very little patience for solutions to problems that take years or even decades to play themselves out. If a certain politician advocates for something that doesn’t show immediate benefits, he’s a failure, and that now becomes ammunition for his opponent in the next election.
This is all coupled by the fact, that, at a certain level, we simply don’t care. If you disbelieve that, ask yourself why we pay our teachers so poorly, and why we allow charter schools to siphon the cream off the top of the student population.