The video below shows the largest “calving event” (a piece of a glacier breaking off and becoming an iceberg) ever recorded. It’s the size of Manhattan, but 2 – 3 times taller than the actual New York City buildings.
The frightening part of all this is that the glacier is now retreating 10 times faster than it was throughout the 20th Century.
At left is essentially what I believe about the media coverage of the presidential election campaign.
When you think about it, the money associated with making this look like a tight contest is so large as to be virtually uncountable, and it will keep rolling in unless the media tells the truth, i.e., that American voters have little appetite for a criminal sociopath back in the White House.
The only edit I would make to this guy’s pitch comes near the bottom. Yes, “Trump is insane,” but he’s also a career criminal.
The answer to the question at left is that there is an entire industry that has formed over the last half century whose purpose is to sew doubt into the public mind regarding the validity of anthropogenic global warming. In the absence of this doubt, the Earth’s citizens would be demanding a swift phase-out of the use of all fossil fuels, because the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions are so catastrophic (floods, droughts, wildfires, etc.) that the public consciousness would insist upon a change.
What we have now is a world (at least a country, the United States) in which the poorly educated believe what they’re told, i.e., where scientists can send a rocket into space and land it back on Earth on something the size of a table lamp, anything associated with the climate is “junk” science, designed to destroy the U.S. economy.
Trump is responsible for a ‘bloody insurrection’ (per John Boehner). The Republican former Speaker of the House blames Trump and his lies about election fraud for the January 6th riot at the Capitol, writing that the former President “incited that bloody insurrection for nothing more than selfish reasons, perpetuated by the bulls*** he’d been shoveling since he lost a fair election the previous November.”
Well these are the allegations, and there seems to be an inordinate amount of evidence in support of them.
If any other American had done anything remotely like this, he’d have been in prison within days of when the proof came to light. Yet it remains in question if Trump will ever spend a minute of his life behind bars.
This doesn’t happen in countries in the which the rule of law is meaningful.
Fireproof your home with Neroshield’s anti-fire coating (which will) keep treated components of your home from contributing as a fuel source for a fire, and it is effective on wood, drywall, textiles, steel, leather, and other materials.
All I can say is that anyone who squirts this chemical indiscriminately across his home and furnishings is a true idiot.
It wouldn’t be hard to look at the photo below and conclude that all Americans are swine.
Fortunately, as Trump and his supporters are about to find out in November, these hogs do not represent anywhere near the majority of the U.S. population.
It’s been almost 30 years since O.J. Simpson went on trial for murder in one of the highest profile criminal cases in U.S. history.
What’s about to happen here and now with the 91 felony counts against Donald Trump, however, will dwarf the Simpson affair. A former president. A candidate for re-election. A huge conspiracy to overthrow the federal government.
In response to the remarks of Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of our U.S. representatives, a reader writes, “Lol, God is “sending” an eclipse that we can predict hundreds of thousands of years in advance? So sad….”
Yes, it’s sad, but remember that her constituency is made up of people at the very bottom of the pile in terms of education. If you want people like this to vote for you, you’d better not be speaking about geology and astrophysics.