What American author and journalist William Blum says here seems correct.

The reason trickle-down economics doesn’t work is that making rich people richer does not provide them with any incentive to hire additional people.

I had over 100 employees at one point in the 1990s, and the only thing that made me even consider hiring one more was that I knew that my delivery unit would be incapable of serving our clients adequately if I didn’t.

I’m not a miser, but in the absence of that pressure, I would have kept my money in my pocket.

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Considering where it’s located, Minnesota is quite progressive in its politics.

Check this out, from the state’s governor.

Gotta love his remark on “thoughts and prayers.”

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Reader A asks: How did we discover that the Earth is round?
Reader B: Probably fishermen who saw the top of masts coming first when approaching other nearby ships.
Me: An ancient Greek mathematician (Pythagoras? Euclid?) asked a friend who lived a few hundred miles south of him, a known distance, to drive a stake in the ground on a certain day and measure the angle the sun’s shadow made when the sun was at its zenith. He used the difference between that angle and the one he measured at home (Athens) to compute the Earth’s circumference to within a few percent of what we now know it to be.
Impressive, IMO.
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Speaking strictly for myself, I find this extremely difficult to swallow.

In the United States, the president is elected by the electoral college, which itself is informed by the popular vote in each of the 50 states.  From where I sit, it doesn’t seem that God has too much to do with any of this.

I know there are people (called “lunatics”) who think that Trump was sent to us by God, but do they think that Obama and Biden came to us the same way?

I’m normally pretty deferential to religions and their followers. but sorry, I can’t get on board here.



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Dr. Tom Konrad, whom I interviewed for my book “Is Renewable Really Doable?” writes: New Yorkers for Clean Power‘s energy coaching program (for which I coach) got a mention on Canary Media today.”

Here’s the article to which he’s referring, providing readers with five broad-stroke suggestions for lowering the carbon footprint of their homes.

Tom: Great going.  I’ve learned a great deal from you, and I remain inspired by the way you apply your intelligence to prevent a catastrophic breakdown of our environment.

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In my recent post Trump’s at the End of His Rope, I made the point that the evidence of Trump’s guilt in the 91 felony counts he faces, especially the testimony of dozens, maybe hundreds of eyewitnesses, is about to crush his political viability like a grape.

In response, a reader notes:  Maybe, but that doesn’t take care of the (low-life) that follow him.

Good point. I have a feeling, however, that cutting off the head of the snake, as it were, will take a great deal of life out of the MAGA movement, and especially in congress.

Image that you’re a lawmaker from a red state and you know that, without Trump’s support, you’re toast in your election. Once Trump’s gone, you have far more freedom to act according to whatever minor level of decency and integrity you may possess.

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An important factor in the upcoming U.S. presidential election is the vote of traditional Republicans who have enough intelligence and integrity not to re-elect Trump.

As suggested in the meme here, Liz Cheney is the unofficial spokesperson for this group; one has to respect her courage in standing up to what is essentially the entire GOP and categorically rejecting Trump, his crimes, and his lies.

The question, of course, is what actually happens at the polling places.  There are plenty of Republicans who understand the national and international catastrophe that Trump represents if he gets back in the White House, but who would rather vote for a baboon than a Democrat.


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Lawn mower cutting green grass

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Gas-powered yard tools may be harder to come by starting this year. Assembly Bill 1346 requires phasing out fossil fuel-fueled leaf blowers, lawnmowers, weed trimmers, chain saws and other tools. The tools were targeted for their contributions to the state’s notoriously emissions-filled air.

Phasing out such equipment — by requiring that those of model years 2024 and later be powered with electricity or another clean energy — is part of the state’s plan to transition to a carbon-free economy …. People are still allowed to use the gas-powered tools they already have and buy them used.

While electricity isn’t necessarily clean, the electrification of everything is a valid strategy to decarbonizing our energy and transportation sectors.

Leave it to California to pave the way to a viable future.  I don’t think you’ll find this, or any other progressive measure being taken in Texas.

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Everyone knows that burning jet fuel releases CO2 into the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and further warming the Earth.  But did you know that contrails act to make the situation even worse?  And that some of our top scientific organizations are hard at work trying to remove this threat?

Check out this piece from the Rocky Mountain Institute.


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The comment at left is from former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich, and it’s hard to dispute.

Allowing Trump to use some technicality to avoid prosecution for the 91 felonies of which he’s accused says one thing:  all American citizens are held accountable for their actions–except the president, the one with the most power in all the country.

It’s an absurdity.

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