I hear England wants its 13 colonies back, too.
Hegel said, “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.”
The meme here may constitute an exception. Burning and banning books has never been a practice of the heroes in any contest.
Recently I heard someone say, “If you’re drinking Smart Water, it’s not working.”
Clever, and accurate at the same time.
We don’t need bottled water of any type. Drinking water from reusable containers will help keep plastic waste out of our environment.
The “before and after” here illustrates a superior solution to ripping off and replacing old and leaky roofs of commercial buildings. It’s a white, silicone solution that is painted across the roof, reflecting more of the sun’s incoming radiation back into space, while lowering the air conditioning bill.
As a whole, the transportation sector is transitioning to electric, and as fossil fuels disappear from the grid-mix, this will result in a massive decarbonization, enabling our planet to mitigate climate change to a large degree.
One might hope that every automaker on the planet would be eager to participate in this movement, but that sentiment doesn’t seem to be alive at Toyota.
The world believed that Toyota’s introduction of the Prius 20 years ago signaled, perhaps, a leadership role here, but now we seem to be stuck with a fleet of vehicles that includes the 2023 Tundra, with its EPA-estimated 15/19 mpg city/highway.
What’s the thought process here? Cynics are pointing out EVs have few moving parts, and thus need virtually no parts and service. Having said that, you’d hate to think that a company like Toyota would sell out the planet for a few yen.
Barclays committing to no longer investing in fossil fuel projects and that more than 96% of all new electric capacity in the U.S. will be renewable in 2024.
I have personal connections at my bank that I don’t want to offend, and so I’m not switching, but if that weren’t the case, I would love to be with an institution that’s dedicated to high ethical standards vis-a-vis the environment.
Will Republicans’ decision to kill a funding bill that would have strengthened the U.S. southern border ultimately work in their favor, or will it come back to bite them?
From here, it seems like an openly traitorous thing to do. But is it really any different from the dozens of other things Trump has done since he emerged onto the political scene?
Once you’ve tried to overthrow the U.S. government, what’s the big deal about sabotaging national security for political purposes?
The creator of the meme here believes that memes themselves have the power to affect change.
Of course, blog sites like this may largely be “preaching to the choir” when it comes to politics, but I like to credit many people with an open mind, and a willingness to change their thinking when new information presents itself.
The idea that Trump may escape justice via a U.S. Supreme Court decision to the effect that he is immune from criminal prosecution is on all Americans’ minds.
Absolutely terrifying.