There is no doubt that U.S. Democrats have issues with voter registration and turnout.  Yet one has to think that this issue is shrinking in importance as the years go by.

Joe Biden’s 81 million votes in 2020 set a record, blasting away Obama’s total in 2008 by 12 million.

Four years later, we are wrestling with the end of U.S. democracy, possibly handing over of our government to a criminal sociopath.

That doesn’t sound like a who-cares, let’s stay home moment in time.


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Former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre has been found liable for $5.4 million in a civil corruption case. The jury recommended that LaPierre be held for $5.4 million in damages.
NRA and its senior management were sued in 2020, claiming they misappropriated millions of dollars to fund personal benefits.
It was just a couple of generations ago that the mission of the NRA was promoting gun safety.  That purpose sure has morphed over time, hasn’t it?
Now it’s about extorting money from Congress, the corrupt enrichment of its leaders, and, most importantly, making it impossible for Americans to protect their loved ones from mass shootings.
We are trying so hard to find something about our nation of which to be proud but it sure is a struggle sometimes.
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The idea that the laws of the United States apply to everyone except the president is ludicrous, but it took the meme here to bring this fully into focus.

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Most of us live our lives such that the world is a better place because of what we do.

Of course, not everyone can say that, but here’s a guy who has taken disloyalty to his country out of the hands of the amateurs.

Meet former Texas sheriff and sitting U.S. representative Troy Nehls, and ask yourself this: Do you really want to publicly admit that innocent people, as well as the nation as a whole, one that you’ve sworn to serve and protect, are suffering because of you?

That’s a blend of stupidity, candor, and evil that’s actually hard to find.

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As suggested in the meme here, it really has been a good run for a man who is arguably the evilest person on the planet.

Where he would be without Trump’s support is anyone’s guess.

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Personally, I’m happy to switch it on occasionally; it’s borderline entertaining to see what they’re covering and how they’re doing it.

Job growth? Unemployment? Inflation under control? Stock market indices in record territory?  Declining rates in violent crime? Investments in infrastructure?  Trump facing 91 felony counts?

Let’s talk about something else.  Didn’t Biden stutter recently?

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Here in sunny California, we’re preparing to elect a U.S. senator to fill the vacancy left by Dianne Feinstein.

If you’re looking for a little comic relief in your day-to-day life, check out the article linked above, and note that former baseball star and conservative Republican Trump supporter Steve Garvey is among the contenders.

He’s the top GOP contender for the job, not that this means much, given that he’s running in a state where Trump lost to Biden by 29 points in 2020.

God only knows what approval rating Trump has at this point, now that he’s facing 91 felonies stemming from crimes he allegedly committed during his presidency and since he left office.

Dismal, yet amusing at the same time.

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Questioning/doubting is not taboo. The real issue here is what one is calling into question and for what reason.

You’re essentially a crackpot if:

You have no scientific training, and you’re questioning the findings of scientists in their respective fields of expertise.

You believe that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Trump, despite the fact that 60+ courts found no evidence for this whatsoever.

Here’s what I wonder about: Who is this semi-naked woman, and what kind of racket sport is she playing?



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By the time young people in Europe leave high school, they are fluent in 3+ languages, have read Plato, and play at least one musical instrument fairly well.

Southeast Asians, as we all know, are more inclined towards math and science, which is why we see their surnames all over our hospital placards.

Americans are lucky if they can find Poland on a map of the world.

So, why this cataclysmic failure?  I suspect that it’s a combination of factors, mostly rooted in U.S. politics.  Americans have very little patience for solutions to problems that take years or even decades to play themselves out.  If a certain politician advocates for something that doesn’t show immediate benefits, he’s a failure, and that now becomes ammunition for his opponent in the next election.

This is all coupled by the fact, that, at a certain level, we simply don’t care.  If you disbelieve that, ask yourself why we pay our teachers so poorly, and why we allow charter schools to siphon the cream off the top of the student population.


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Today’s piece in the WSJ’s Climate and Energy section is called “The Problem With Stuff.”

It begins:

A Glass-Half-Full Look at the Gargantuan Carbon Footprint of Making Stuff

Every year, America gets through roughly 700 pounds of cement, nearly as much steel, 300 pounds of plastic and 25 pounds of aluminum per person. Providing the raw materials of modern life with far less emissions is starting to look tantalizingly possible, but the making-stuff business remains a laggard in its response to climate change.

“Making less stuff” is akin to morphing away from our consumer society, and it’s refreshing to see the WSJ talk about that, even obliquely.

IMO, what we are seeing here is the WSJ’s trying to position itself as dead-on “centrist” in their journalism.  This is distinctly more to the left from their earlier conservative leaning; it would have been fanciful to think of anything associated with climate change even a few years ago.

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