I was pretty unimpressed when the lead witness for the Republicans in these proceedings was forced to admit under oath that “there is no evidence that Biden did anything wrong.”

I was even less impressed with his next assertion, “But it’s possible that there will be some evidence that emerges in the future.”

OMG.  I’m not without sin, but I’m happy to say that I’ve avoided a life of utter dishonesty.  I’m sure most of us can say the same.




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I don’t want to see climate deniers in public office any more that Leonardo DiCaprio, but I disagree with him here.

Restricting people from government who are unscientific in their thinking is an unsupportable idea, if only because it’s unconstitutional. Hell, the second in line to the U.S. presidency has no more use for science than does a speckled trout.

If you want change here, you need an educated voter base that will not accept gross ignorance in the leaders it elects.

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From “The Story of Stuff”:
A legal complaint against Coca-Cola, Danone, and Nestlé has been issued by a consumer body and two environmental groups in Europe.
The complaint alleges the companies are misleading consumers into buying a product which is sold as being climate-friendly or sustainable, known as greenwashing, when it comes to their ‘100% recycled’ claims on single-use plastic water bottles.
The European Consumers Organization, backed by the environmental groups Client Earth and ECOS, claims the bottles are never made wholly of recycled materials. They say the ability to recycle them depends on a number of factors, including the tools available.
Coca-Cola said its packaging messages can be substantiated, Nestlé said it was cutting use of plastic packaging, and Danone said it was invested in recycling.
Every time I see something like this I think of the millions of people employed in industries that collectively degrade our planet, not to mention the health of their customers, and the feeling of compromised integrity that must accompany such a career decision.
Coca-Cola alone employs 82,500.  I’m glad my kids aren’t among them.
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At left we see another example of how we will argue about anything in the modern-day chaos we call our “society.”

As John Cleese points out, we can’t even agree that empathy for other people is an unequivocally good thing.

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Is there something of validity to this investment?  I’m not sure.

What I do know is that the subject of biodegradable plastic has been the subject of scrutiny of materials scientists for many decades.

Part of the problem is the time frame in which you want the degradation process to take place.  If you have a gallon of milk with a shelf-life of two weeks, you don’t need the plastic to last centuries, but if you have a case of bottled water in your garage in case of an emergency, you want the plastic to be good for at least a few years.


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I’ll grant that the graphic below is, in fact, terrifying, but it’s factually incorrect; this does not represent anywhere near everything we eat and drink.  In actuality, if you stay away from the center of your grocery store, you’ll avoid every one of these poisons, and you’ll cease to support the corporate control of our food.

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I was aware that there were Jews living in Germany in the 1930s, but until Trump posted what we see here at left, I was unaware that we had more than a handful of “communists and Marxists,” let alone that they are “living like vermin.”

Just like Germany doesn’t want to go back to those days, I’m not sure this is America’s finest hour.

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The meme here points to a tragedy in U.S. history, but keep in mind that things have only gotten worse.

Seven years later, almost half of American voters support a man who clearly tried to overthrow our country, and who intends, if re-elected, to commandeer the entirety of the legal/justice system.

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There’s nothing enviable about the task confronting the five Republican hopefuls running against Trump, especially when you consider the chorus of boos they receive if they’re bold and honest enough to point out that Trump lost a free and fair election in 2020, and God bless them, if they want to point out that the former president faces 91 felony charges stemming from four indictments.

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Polite society lives in a world of euphemisms.  If you have a low IQ, it may be more tactful to refer to you as “intellectually challenged” than “stupid.”

This phenomenon is even taken to the point of jokes; if you’re short of stature, you may be said to be “vertically challenged.”

Let’s hope there is something similar at work in the meme here.  Normally, those in public office who take bribes, especially those at the highest levels of government, are not regarded as “ethically challenged,” but simply as “criminals.”

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