Mark Hamill Speaks for a Great Number of Us
Many of us agree with Hamill and see it as our duty to oppose the criminal sociopath in the White House.
Many of us agree with Hamill and see it as our duty to oppose the criminal sociopath in the White House.
This from a reader who comments: “Crude, but true.”
We need to add “mean people” to this. Trump has a significant following of people who are intelligent, rich, and completely heartless.
When I came across the meme at left, I thought, “Hmmm. I’ll have to ponder this for a while. Well, I suppose I don’t support election fraud, so maybe I do support clean and fair elections.”
Seriously. Someone from “Judicial Watch,” a self-described “conservative activist group” actually wrote this, as if even the tiniest fraction of Americans oppose clean and fair elections.
What most Americans actually do oppose are things like gerrymandering, illegal purging of voters from the rolls, and other dirty tricks that minimize the input from minorities and the poor people who are relatively unlikely to vote Republican.
Why do we need DEI? Well, spend a few seconds with quiz at left.
Black lives didn’t matter at all until recently, and there are still systemic conditions in American society that perpetuate racial inequality.
Let’s hope that opposition to wokeism and DEI is just a passing fad. Yes, pushback against diversity is an effective tool used by Trump and his top people to keep the MAGA crowd stirred up. But let’s look forward to a day in the near future when the United States generally agrees that we’re a better country if we can give everyone an equal chance to succeed.
I spend a few minutes a week watching right-wing “news” shows, to get a feel for how they present their material. One thing I notice is that NewsMax, in their lower third, is rife with typos. Four examples in the last 10 minutes:
Trump Wants Rebuild Gaza (should be Trump Wants To Rebuild Gaza)
Hanlde (misspelling of “handle”)
Gender Polcies (misspelling of “policies”)
On our great nations desk (should be “on our great nation’s desk)
At first, I wrote this off as a function of the fact that many of their viewers are functionally illiterate. But then I noticed that their advertisers make precisely zero mistakes; they don’t mind spending a few dollars on editors and proofreaders.
These sponsors may be selling snake-oil food supplements, or sham precious metal hedges against the coming “stock market crash precipitated by Biden,” or the need for “patriots” to buy high-priced off-grid power-generation equipment that is essentially solar panels and batteries, sold to everyone else at a small fraction of the price.
I honestly don’t know what’s going wrong here, but it’s pitiful.
Above is a solicitation to buy shares in Newsmax. I’ll pass.
What’s a sane reaction to a call for donations like this one?
The Trump administration breaks the law several times a day. Are these people better prepared to deal with these atrocities than other “competitive” groups? Do they use your donations more efficiently?
I don’t know, but I’m skeptical.
Here’s an article that walks the reader through a current-day misconception re: immigrants.
What effect do immigrants have on Social Security? Trump supporters tend to believe that “real” Americans are harmed via immigrants’ mooching money out of the pool of money that citizens paid in. When given a few moments of thought, however, this idea is revealed as empty, since people without Social Security numbers cannot receive benefits.
In fact, the truth is the precise opposite. Non-citizens working in the United States pay taxes into a system without any means of benefiting. In just one more way, we exploit them.
This brilliant op-ed from Canadian journalist Pete McMartin includes this zinger: Where there was once admiration, there is now a firm and angry resolve.
But what about the line: “It’s Over?”
I would say, at worst, “It’s over for now.” Yes, Trump has reduced this relationship to rubble, along with many others around the globe. But what happens when Trump is gone and sanity returns to the United States?
I thought this was funny, but in reality, liberals must deal with a ton of ridicule from the right wing.
Normally this aggression come from the hateful morons, but not always. A rich and well-educated friend likes to kid me about my environmentalism. “Save the whales, Craig,” he jeers.