How Biden Is Portrayed in the American Media
The woman who cuts my hair is one of tens of millions of Americans who believe that Joe Biden is senile, and thus unfit to be U.S. president. I run into this constantly, as there is an entire “news” industry that is in place largely to promote this notion, or whatever the MAGA crowd’s message of the month happens to be.
It seems to me that what viewers of programming at places like Fox News and Newsmax are seeing are clips taken out of context that make the president appear to be mentally incompetent. When he’s quoted by any of the world’s other journalistic organizations, he appears to do pretty well. He’s not Churchill or Obama, but he seems to get by fairly decently.
Since my mom watches Newsmax, I sometimes tune it in to see what’s it’s like. I happened to be watching it the other night just as they were introducing Biden’s speech on Israel, Hamas, Palestine, Russia, and Ukraine. I noted that they prepared the viewer to see a horror show, a bumbling old fool who can barely string together a few coherent words without losing his train of thought.
Less than three minutes into the speech, it was clear, even to them, they had gotten this entirely wrong. Again, Biden isn’t Ronald Reagan, but it was abundantly clear to everyone that he was doing a perfectly fine job. How did Newsmax address this debacle?
“We’re going to cut away from this speech at this point…..” — at which time, with no explanation, they went back to the talking heads discussing how none of the world’s military challenges would have happened if Donald Trump were president, and how he’s under attack by the Deep State, and his political opponents who have weaponized the Justice Department.
I roared in laughter, having witnessed with my own eyes and ears a “news” organization that has absolutely zero journalistic integrity. I may have been the only Newsmax viewer at the time who had this experience, and perhaps breaking down into tears at the pathetic state of the American news consumer would have been the more appropriate response.
It’s hard to believe we’ve sunk to this.