What College Students Interested in Renewable Energy Should Study
A fine young man, Rudy Chavarilla, called me this morning from American Amp and interviewed me for about half an hour. We recorded a show on the subject: What college should students do vis-à-vis sustainability that will be distributed to over 300 college radio stations.
This whole process makes me feel good all over. I honestly love to speak with college students, though when I do, I have a habit of throwing in the kind of cliches that embarrass the bejeepers out of my kids. “Enjoy these brief moments. These are the best years of your life. Read great books. Learn to live an examined life. Kiss a few good-looking members of the opposite sex.” Seriously, my kids want to barf when they hear me I carry on like this. So I thought the better of going down that road, and answered the interviewer’s questions without any of this sort of editorializing. (more…)