The word “civilized,” used as an attribute of a society,” is a gray one indeed.

It’s true that there are international laws that prohibit slavery, torture, and a wide variety of war crimes.

It’s also true that we have veterans, right here in the United States, living on the streets and dying of treatable diseases.


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Reader A: Unfortunately he will not be incarcerated.
Reader B: We’ll see.
Me: We’ll see indeed. It remains mysterious in the extreme that he still resides in the United States, watching the criminal justice system tightening the noose around his neck.
His financial empire is being methodically picked apart by the courts that are finding him guilty of fraud.
Next come the criminal prosecutions that will, if he stays in the U.S., ensure that he’s sentenced to prison. Whether he winds up there or not is a different matter.
Yes, he has about a third of the popular vote, but that is far less than that required to regain the presidency and use that office once more to keep him a free man.
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“Nothing in the world more dangerous than an idiot who thinks he’s genius?”  Gimme a break.

There are idiots all over this planet who believe they are geniuses. I know several of them personally.

But they don’t have tens of millions of  American voters who believe that a sociopath is the singular way to make our nation great again. Therein lies the difficulty here.

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It’s hard to believe that Eisenhower’s vision for the United States, as expressed here, ever existed, let alone that it was fairly recent–and came from a Republican.

Try to imagine someone on the GOP debate stage expressing an honest concern for the people of the world.

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This from senior legal analyst Andrew Weissmann.

About 35% of Americans who voted are completely fine with the fact that their leader is a career criminal.

Sure, Trump’s a despicable human being , but he’s not even rare, let alone unique, in that regard.  What makes him special is that more than one-third of Americans see him as the path to our country’s greatness.

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What an extraordinary man was Buckminster Fuller.

Obviously, his vision for humankind never came to fruition, nor does it appear it ever will.

Sure, war and greed are “unnecessary,” but they are a product of our darkest underlying modalities of being; we’re no more capable of eliminating them than we are our fear of heights.

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Any way you slice it, it’s been a terrible time for Republicans.  That their leader has been found to be a fraud is just another page in a long, sad chapter of U.S. history, but it certainly will not be the last.

Soon, Trump will be tried for 91 felonies pursuant to four separate indictments.  Whether he winds up spending a single minute in prison remains to be seen, but a succession of guilty findings coming from jurors in courts all over the country will just heap more ignominy on a party already thought of by most Americans as pond scum.

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Here’s a cool statement that reminds us of what American leadership can be like.

The concept of “country first” is almost entirely lacking in Washington today, especially within the GOP.

Speaking strictly for myself, I could live with a sane, honest, and patriotic Republican, even if he/she is conservative, e.g., Liz Cheney.

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Here’s yet another reminder of what could be called “the paradox of the American labor vote.”

It’s a tragedy that Trump emerges victorious among these people.

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“Stop Solar” writes:  We’re fighting to protect rural America and the way of life we love.

Anyone who believes that farm land is being converted to solar farms is a true idiot.

It’s almost as if there is an industry somewhere with a vested interest in stopping the expansion of renewable energy, and its preying on our rich crop of American morons.


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