Based on the title of the post, you’re probably expecting me to point out that the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and that our society is served very badly by the erosion of the middle class. All that is, by the way, quite true — and I’m hardly alone in my concern here, whether it’s on moral or practical grounds. Anyone with a heart — or a brain — objects to the ever-expanding discrepancy between the rich and the poor.  According to a recent study, the wealthiest 20% of Americans own just over 85% of the nation’s wealth — a figure than continues to climb, leaving the other 80% growing steadily more impoverished, uninvolved, apathetic, and disenfranchised.  I don’t see any long-term winners here — rich or poor.  (more…)

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Every few months I try to write a short piece about what I consider the mother of all threats to the quality of life here in the United States: the 2010 US Supreme Court Decision granting corporations the right to spend unlimited amounts to influence our elections in the direction of their interests.

I hasten to add that there is nothing intrinsically wrong or bad about corporations; in fact, they have served our civilization well for millennia, beginning in ancient Rome, where they (more…)


On this segment of the 2GreenEnergy Video Report, I discuss electric transportation with host George Alger. I make some bold predictions here, namely, that I see this happening far faster and with fewer bumps in the road than most observers.

A friend of mine was helping me just now prepare for today’s webinar. “So part of the presentation is a few business plans you like. OK, how would you summarize this? I mean, is there one central point that they all have in common?” (more…)

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Here, I discuss the “hydrogen economy” with 2GreenEnergy Video Report host George Alger. I know there are sincere and learned who disagree with me on this, but I don’t see it happening.

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I was just glancing through some comments to a recent essay on the future of nuclear energy and came across this comment on renewables.  My initial reaction was to see if it had my name at the bottom; it begins with a message I manage to squeeze into every radio program on which I’m honored to be a guest.  And, on those nights I may have had a glass of wine — or so — before sitting down to write after dinner, who knows?  I could have written this myself and simply forgotten:
Every hour, the sun radiates more energy onto the Earth than the entire human population uses in one whole year. (more…)
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Here’s a recent interview in which George Alger asks me about cold fusion. Obviously, this is a controversial topic, viewed by many as a hoax. Yet some credible people believe it’s legitimate science — and, as I point out, I essentially a reporter, whose viewpoints are formed by the people I interview.

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I just posted a piece to Renewable Energy World, in which I recollect my encounters in airports with other college-aged kids of the 1970s who were vigorously gathering support for nuclear energy. I recall how one self-satisfied young fellow quipped, “More people died in Ted Kennedy’s car than in the sum total of all nuclear reactor incidents.”

Now, four decades later, I’m still wondering about the pro-nuclear people. Who are they? What’s the attraction? (more…)

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Here’s another episode of the 2GreenEnergy Report, in which I’m interviewed on the subject of peak oil. I manage to squeeze in references to related subjects as well: the consequences of our addiction to foreign oil, the externalities associated with fossil fuels, long-term environmental damage, the associated costs of healthcare, ocean acidification, and global climate change.

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(Continued from an earlier article…)

Bill Gates emphasized to policymakers in Washington D.C. the importance of the H-1B visa to companies like Microsoft. “…They celebrate the fact that we’re kicking them out after giving them the world’s best education,“ said Gates about India, who is benefitting from U.S. policy actions. As a case in point, an article by E. Bharali in India believes India’s energy progess will be made partly because of the engineers and others who are forced to come home to work.  Another news article stated that India now has more start-up companies due to the H-1B visa ban.  India has become a land of opportunity for bright minds that have been making an impact in the U.S. (more…)

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