Greener Schools as Well as Jobs
Education construction jobs represent about 27 percent of all construction in the U.S. Despite a lagging economy, hundreds of millions of dollars are making their way into green school upgrades and new construction. Some $14 billion will be spent in 2010 building new schools (about 750 new schools are built in the U.S. per year), says School Planning & Management Magazine. Here is another interesting statistic – about one-fourth of the U.S. population spends a good part of each day inside a school building.
Greening of schools is a thriving enterprise. Leaders from all sectors of green schools will gather to share strategies, technologies and best practices at the Green California Schools Summit 2010 in Pasadena, California. The event, which will also feature an exposition of more than 100 companies with innovative products and services, will take place at the Pasadena Convention Center on December 8 to 10, 2010. Eric Corey Freed, principal of organicARCHITECT and author of four books on green building, will be a keynote speaker.
Each week in the news, we find stories not only of green building initiatives but also green energy powering part or all of the school. Often there is an educational component that goes along with the installation and use of green energy (most often wind or solar.) Just a few examples from across the U.S. follows:
The San Diego Unified School District Board of Education approved a partnerships with AMSOLAR Corp, and 5.2 MW of (more…)