Comedian and social critic George Carlin nailed an important point here: very few of us have the resources (even if we have the inclination) to devote any major portion of our lives towards making improvements in human civilization.

And many of us (at least Americans) who are investing ourselves into making change are actually working against progress, i.e., actively accelerating the decay in education, equity, healthcare, etc.  We have an entire political party whose platform is white supremacy, the rejection of science, and anti-woke.  There are people in the GOP garnering vast amounts of wealth and power by making the world a dirtier, hotter, more dangerous, ignorant and hateful place to live.

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This is a scam, foisted upon people who know nothing about science.

Think for a second. Imagine that every kitchen in the world was equipped with one of this, plugged into the grid, and every night, the world’s electricity was used to remove most of the water from the day’s scraps. (Forget about all other forms of waste: cans, most plastics, dirty paper, Styrofoam, animal bones, etc.–that still need to be landfilled.) Do you believe this would result in a net benefit for the environment?

Btw, though the product does degrade the waste, it’s dishonest to call its output “compost” or to claim that it’s a replacement for growing soil.

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Thom: What you say here is fine, but keep in mind that virtually none of the Americans who admire today’s GOP has lived a year in Germany. Most of them couldn’t find Germany on a map.

In general, you’re talking about people who reject science and think that colleges crank out woke socialists.

What you say here about Europeans is correct, but irrelevant to the discussion.

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I note all the “amens” in response to this post on social media.

I grant crackpots, religious or otherwise, the right to refuse to comply with the dictates of the scientific community in the event of a horrible spike in pandemic cases. Just stay away from schools, workplaces, restaurants, and all other elements of civil society.

We won’t be praying for you, but nor do we wish you ill will, as long as you stay away from us.


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This certification should be provided for: rejecting science, and, in so doing, raising hospitalization rates, while lowering one’s life expectancies and that of everyone coming into contact.

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….Isn’t a multibillionaire who hates wokeism and wants to return Donald Trump to the White House.

I sympathize with the guy who applies this bumper sticker to his Tesla.


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No one could have foreseen Trumpism and the vicious attack on our nation’s American democracy it represents.  And now, even after the insurrection has been put down and its participants brought to justice, the GOP still has sufficient power to thwart the will of the American people.

That’s why this judge’s ruling in Arizona is such a big deal.

From the article linked above:

A federal judge on Thursday blocked Arizona from enforcing a 2022 state law limiting who can vote for president.

In a new ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton said Arizonans who use a federal voter registration form are entitled to cast a ballot in presidential elections. More to the point, the judge voided parts of the statute which says that only those who provide “satisfactory evidence of citizenship” can vote in those elections.

Bolton also said the state cannot enforce another provision which bars anyone who uses this federal form from voting by mail.

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I was a middle-aged man in 2005 when Aptera was formed and began to accept investors’ cash. Now I’m older, grayer, and, in the back of my mind, wondering how much longer this can continue. I’m likely to go to my grave with no answer.

Sure there are solar panels on its roof that will enable a meager amount of extra range.  Yes, the car is small and light (and uncomfortable, dangerous, and ridiculous in appearance).

Ask yourself: Does this really look like the “future of transportation?” Do you think it will “elevate your investment portfolio?”

If so, jump on in.  I’m too old to argue with you.

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Here’s the scoop on Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KA):
He “serves” Republicans as the senior senator from the state of Kansas. DEMOCRACY SCORE: D — POOR. Made no public statements about the election, or was evasive. 
Voted against impeachment or conviction of Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection.
Voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack.
Did not vote on holding Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress.
Sen. Moran failed to hold Donald Trump accountable for his role in inciting the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. While he conceded that “President Trump was wrong to continue to spread allegations of widespread fraud and not immediately discourage the reprehensible and unpatriotic behavior” in the time leading up to the attack, he ultimately voted to acquit.
Should anyone be shocked by this?  Does this guy look like someone who has the integrity to call out Trump as a traitor to his country, in a state where 70% of voters adore the former president?  When doing so would end his term in the senate?
To the degree that we’re an ignorant nation, we elect human scum like this, and we deserve precisely what we get.
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Everywhere you look, you find another proof-point that there is absolutely nothing that Trump could do or say that would alienate his supporters.

That’s what makes this situation so intractable.

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