[The Vector] The Latest Measures Taken by China – Taxing Polluters
China has committed to long-term development of green energy, as we all can see. As the world’s largest user of energy – and also its largest polluter – it needs energy to power its growth. China’s latest five-year strategy is quite ambitious – to impose significant taxes on heavy polluters.
Since Copenhagen, China has shown every indication that it intends to live up to its pledge, and has promised to include new policies to curb pollution as part of its overall energy plans. The government plans to close dirty sources of energy: 10,000 MW of small power plants, 25 million metric tons of iron-mill capacity, 6 million tons of steel capacity and 50 million tons of cement capacity, saving equivalent of 16 million tons of coal, said Xie Zhenhua in a press release in the 4th quarter of 2010. Xie is the vice chair of the National Development and Reform Commission.
China has already become a green energy leader, through hydropower, development and manufacture of solar and wind, and through its aggressive energy plan. It also wants to lead in a low-carbon economy and fight (more…)