Predicting Our Energy Future
I’m one of those people who constantly tries to see into the future – not that I have any eerie talent for things like that. The future of energy and transportation, for example, is clear as a bell. Does anyone think we’re going to be driving Hummers in 40 years? Could a reasonable person believe there’ll be plenty of cheap oil in 2050 when the world population has increased 22% from today and the number of cars on the world’s roads has doubled?
Alternative energy will become a reality; that’s not in question. The question is: who’s going to get rich in the process?
Here’s a fact: the people who made the last fortune in energy (1910 – 2010) want to make damn sure they’ll be the ones to do it again.
And here’s my prediction: Unless something unforeseen and incredibly dramatic happens, that’s precisely what’s going to happen. Here are some details, lest you think I’m one of these tawdry fortune-tellers who speaks in fortune-cookie generalities: (more…)