I haven’t spent a dime in a Home Depot in decades.

I hope readers feel and act the same.

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This from writer/journalist Jake Sherman.

It’s hard to be shocked by any element of Speaker Mike Johnson’s behavior, and his protecting a criminal is just one example.

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Here, Frederick Douglass provides us one of the best justifications for investment in quality education.

We’re raising a generation of people who are going to be unable to compete in the global economy, and have tendencies towards racism, violence, and all the other components of Trumpism.

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The author of the meme here makes a good point.

But we need to consider cruelty and callousness as well.

Stupid and/or mean. Preferably both.

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The thought expressed here represents a serious challenge for humankind, and it’s precisely the mechanism that keeps Trumpism so firmly rooted in place.  The MAGA crowd is organized in lockstep around the principles of hate, violence, and exclusion.

As MLK put it, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”

It’s not an easy task.


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A reader notes: Bravo! Hats off to Alberta Canada for standing up against the climate change insanity being foisted on them by their federal government.

Alberta is Canada’s largest oil producing province, providing 79.2% of Canadian oil production.

But I’m sure that’s a coincidence.

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Here’s a video that challenges Republicans to speak up as to which side of the truth they stand on.

“Any (GOP politician) one who says that the election was stolen is lying to America.”

Doesn’t get any more direct than that.

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One reason that gun laws are so difficult to enact here in the U.S. is Americans’ belief that offering “thoughts and prayers” to the victims’ families is a worthwhile response to having their little child’s body blown to bits by a psychopath with an AR-15.

The author of this very clever cartoon seems to agree with me on this point.

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As suggested in this brilliant cartoon, when most Americans go to the polls in 2024, climate change mitigation will not be at the top of their list of priorities.

Having said that, Biden has done more than any of his predecessors in funding infrastructure and other programs designed to lower our country’s carbon footprint; kudos.

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The headline here is taken from this article in Bloomberg.

A few quick points:

Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase, leads a company that, since the adoption of the Paris agreement, has sat at the top of the list of fossil fuel bankers, financing $434 billion from 2016 through 2022. Liberals have very little respect for him and his political suggestions, considering that his status as a multibillionaire derives from his lust for baking our planet.

Nikki Haley may be less repugnant than Trump insofar as she is not, at least apparently, a criminal sociopath.  But as a member of the Republican party, her values are so completely loathsome that it’s hard to imagine her garnering any support from liberals.

Koch Industries is also backing Haley.  The billionaire class has most certainly lost any appetite it may have had for living in a country led by a psychopath.

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