Would you provide me with your thoughts re: 2GreenEnergy’s being sponsored by a commercial organization? What type of company do you think would be acceptable? Are there one or two in particular that you think we should approach proactively?
I hope you’ll post your ideas as comments, or hit “Contact” and reach me directly.
Each week, I hear from a dozen or so 2GreenEnergy readers, asking for help in forwarding a business concept in sustainability. One of the areas of need I come across frequently is the requirement to develop effective business partners. Someone has a great idea, a breakthrough technology, a revolutionary business concept – but needs an introduction to a strong, well-established group such that together, they can take the idea forward to the global marketplace.
If that describes your current situation, I urge you to go to our marketing-specific website here, and review each of the five short videos that our clients at Hewlett-Packard, Unisys, Computer Sciences Corporation, Olicom, and Litton have made on our behalf. Each of these five vignettes testifies to the results we nailed down for them generally. But in many cases, behind the scenes lay hidden business partnerships we recommended they develop — and actively helped them develop: partnerships with distributors, value-added resellers, content providers, software applications providers, etc.
If you suspect that a partnership with a powerful business interest may help your cause, I hope you’ll let us know. We can help.
Craig, I’ve been reading the chapter of you book on Electric Vehicles like the New Ford Focus Electric and the new Electric Hybrids like the Chevy Volt. I was surprised to have received a correspondence from Bob Lutz at GM back in the Spring of 2007 saying that he would do everything in his power to make it a reality in 2010. I must say, he kept his word. I went to purchase one from a dealer in Washington, D.C. in late December 2010 and ran headlong into a stone wall. Yes, I could have purchased one by now if I would have been willing to pay the additional $5,000 early delivery fee…which I wasn’t and will not. I told the dealer that when they want to sell me a vehicle in the future, they will have to meet my price, not the other way around. (more…)
There can never be anything approaching a full economic recovery without the deliberate and active participation of the American consumer period. We, the American consumer, make up 70% of the entire U.S. economy. (more…)
Last March, I became aware of a situation that gave me great pause of concern. I read that U.S. Intelligence had captured a U.S. Citizen in Somalia and while interrogating him they discovered that he had worked as a laborer in 5 of our nuclear power plants here in the eastern part of the country. Having worked for NSA back in the early 1970’s I quickly realized that he wasn’t there just for the money. I suspect that he was there probing for ways to plan future attacks on our nuclear power plants. The M.O. was similarly eerie to that of the planning and implimentation that brought down the World Trade Centers on 9/11. Instead of their trying to bring a nuclear device into this country, why not take advantage of the ones that are readily available in this country (our nuclear power plants). The terrorists found a way to circumvent our security right underneath our eyes and used what they found readily available in our aviation training schools and used our own planes as low level missiles. (more…)
Question: What popular television news show brought the ecological dangers of coal ash to the nation’s attention in 2009? Approximately how much do we create annually in the US alone?
Relevance: In another “lemons to lemonade” story, one of our clients has developed a proprietary resin-based process to take massive amounts of coal ash and cost-effectively manufacture building products (e.g., roof shingles) from it.
In a typical year, I try to attend most of the major local energy industry conferences, and another three or four scattered around the globe that I deem to be particularly important – especially if I can combine them with other business purposes, or visits to family and friends within a reasonable drive. There are plenty of good, solid reasons to go. We learn from smart people who live and breathe this stuff, we do what we can to scope out the state of the art, and we network. The food’s great, and after hours we have a couple of drinks.
Question: Amount how many tons of C&D (construction and demolition) waste comes out of New England and New York every year? Where does almost all of that stuff go?
Relevance: Almost 30% of C&D waste is wood, whose energy content can be extracted with any of a number of gasification technologies. A client of ours has nailed down a consistent source of feedstock, a low-cost way of shipping and sorting it, and a technique (thermal anaerobic gasification) to process it without creating carcinogenic slag as a byproduct. The ultimate in “turning lemons to lemonade.”
The Emirates Solar Industry Association was launched in early January 2011. The association is bringing together industry players in photovoltaics, concentrating solar power and solar thermal as well as those involved in supplying and subsidiary roles, like engineering or glass firms. But a goal of the industry is to aid international solar companies that want to set up business or bases in the Emirates.
The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi is behind the initiative. The Masdar Institute is an independent, graduate-level, not-for-profit, research-driven institute that works in cooperation with MIT. Its mission is to solve world problems on the issues of sustainability. The Institute is situated in Masdar City, an (more…)
Relevance: While the manure from chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows is becoming a terrible ecological hazard, many straightforward and low-cost technologies exist to convert that manure into biofuels and electricity. As one of our clients is in this business, I’ve seen a live demo. Glad I remembered to bring my old shoes.