Plug-In America spokesperson Jay Friedland contributed the chapter on EV advocacy, discussing numerous thorny challenges it faces in the real world of politics.
Jay points out, “Big oil is trying to preserve the status quo. They are now the largest supporters of the hydrogen economy. They see hydrogen as a mechanism for them to continue to have a service station — to continue to provide a consumer with something they can pump.”
Steve is one of the most important spokespeople for hydrogen, and I was pleased to get his take on fuel-cell vehicles.
A hydrogen fuel cell vehicle can be a zero CO2 emission vehicle — just like a battery electric vehicle. A battery electric vehicle advocate should be saying, “Battery electric vehicles can be zero carbon emission vehicles…just like a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle can be too.” There is no reason that the two should be attacking one another.
Dr. Michael Kearl, Professor of Sociology at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, helped out with the chapter on the sociology of driving.
For years, he’s been interested in the relationships and the social structures for the road — how different communities develop different kind of cultures with regards to driving etiquette, honking and so forth. In particular, he’s intrigued by the whole element of conspicuous consumption and displays even though everyone’s in gridlock and you in your Maserati are going no faster than the beat up VW in front.
He points out, “The whole idea of the car and the open road is just so firmly ingrained in our cultural identity in the 20th century that it will be hard to wean. Our car is one of the few zones of solitude we have — next to the bathroom, I might add. And that’s why bathrooms have gotten so much larger over time.”
His work focuses on responsibly harnessing the kinetic energy in moving water, in particular, developing a better understanding of the practically recoverable resource for tidal streams. He says, “There is no one energy solution that gets you all the way there. I mean, you wouldn’t legitimately expect to replace all the power we currently consume with a single source like in-stream river hydrokinetics. That being said, I think that river, tidal, wave, ocean current, all of these can make a valuable contribution, either nationally or regionally, to the electric grid. So I think it’s important not to discard an idea simply because it doesn’t solve all of our problems.”
Paul Thomsen, spokesperson for Ormat Technologies, provided the book’s chapter on geothermal, discussing his company’s power plants that are a field-proven, mature commercial product operating worldwide.
The first geothermal project was about 1905 in Italy. A farmer drilled a well, hot water came out, which turned to steam and the concept of putting a steam turbine on that to produce electricity was created. Soon we had flash technology, where water comes out of the ground, turns to steam and you put a turbine on it. And there are projects like that in Northern California at the geysers; there are projects like that in Iceland, in Africa – but they tend to be unique anomalies.
Ormat Technologies became a company in 1965. Our chairman decided that there were probably more stable ways to produce electricity and started to work on a heat exchanger and a turbine design utilizing what’s called the organic Rankine cycle. The cycle simply creates a secondary loop; where there are deviations in temperature, you can heat a working fluid which does the vaporizing, which builds pressure and turns a turbine. He first implemented this on a solar project in Mali, Africa. It was technically a success, but commercially not that attractive, so he turned towards geothermal.
Dr. Mills, known worldwide for pioneering Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) technology and for his work over the past 30 years in non-imaging optics, solar thermal energy, and PV systems, contributed to the book’s chapter on solar thermal.
This chapter addresses the notion of scale. Dr. Mills believes wind and solar can all scale to be very large; each of them has the capability to take on the entire electricity load. But the question is how much does that cost and do they do it in a way where we have reliable energy?
Bruce Allen is supremely well-qualified to have contibuted to the book’s chapter on photovoltaics. His recent book Reaching the Solar Tipping Point describes the key technologies and applications that are enabling solar energy to become a primary cost-effective energy source. He has designed solar concentrator systems sold worldwide and worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, under contract to NASA, DOD and the US Missile Defense Agency.
Dr. Amir Mikhail, Clipper’s senior vice president of engineering, contibuted to the book’s chapter on wind. Clipper Windpower is one of the most visible organizations on Earth in the race to provide solutions that offer utility-scale clean energy. The company strives to advance the technologies and services that make its customers successful in the expansion of wind energy, lessening the impacts of fossil fuel generation.
Fundamentally, the photosynthetic process reduces inorganic compounds like carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, and phosphorous, and builds these biochemicals. Initially sugar, and then the sugar’s burned to build all sorts of other things, and nutrients are brought in and you build membranes with phosphorous and you build proteins with nitrogen and so forth. It is all ultimately derived out of the sunlight.
The World Resources Institute’s Vice President for External Relations Robin Murphy contributed to the book’s chapter on the role of NGO in the migration to clean energy. WRI assists leaders in both the private and public sectors in making sound decisions with respect to practices that affect our environment, working at the intersection of environment and human needs. WRI’s mission is to provide analysis, research and recommendations, that will help advance sound environmental decisions. And those are decisions made by leaders in business, leaders in government, leaders in fellow NGO’s – non-profits around the world, in academia and elsewhere.