Here is a short video made by PBS that addresses how each of us as individuals perceive the outside world in different ways, based on the “wiring” of our brains.

I bring this up to make a larger point about how we hear what we want to hear.  To me, Trump is a criminal conman in the process of getting his comeuppance.  To one of  his supporters, he’s done nothing wrong, and he is under a corrupt attack by the Biden crime family.


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From NPR:  “All authoritarian leaders have cults of personality,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, professor of history at New York University and author of Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present. “Meaning, they propose themselves as all-powerful, as the only solution possible to the nation’s ills. ‘I alone can fix it.’ “
The story linked above is well worth four minutes of your time.
We’re a full eight years past the point that Trump arrived on the American political scene, and, at least to some of us, all of this still seems surreal.  It’s just hard to imagine that this happened in the United States.
At the core is Trump’s lies.  There are still tens of millions of American voters who believe that Trump won the 2020 election, and that massive fraud pushed Biden into the White House.
And getting rid of him won’t be easy, as he’s effectively holding the country for ransom.  You either elect me as the 46th president, or watch me create several orders of magnitude more chaos and mayhem than you’ve even seen before. 
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I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather trust my retirement savings to an honest investment advisor than a professional liar.

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We’re banning books while we muzzle and starve our teachers.

We’re sending the cream of our public school student population to charter schools, leaving the most difficult kids behind.

We’re creating the perfect set of conditions for a democracy to implode.

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Let’s suppose that Trump has 50 million supporters, and let’s admit that, for most of them, there is no crime that their leader could possibly commit that would affect that loyalty. Or, put more specifically, there is nothing he could do that could cause them to vote for a Democrat.

Yet based on the look on his face, it appears that the fellow at left may be a counter-example.

He’s clearly pissed, perhaps because he knows that he’s very likely to spend a considerable chunk of the rest of his life in a filthy state penitentiary. Then, when released (disbarred and disgraced), he’ll have to find some way forward.

Of course, it’s possible that he’s angry at himself for having been stupid enough to have fallen for the con.

In any case, it’s just another example of what happens to people who have anything to do with this sociopathic criminal.

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When I was a marketing consultant to the Fortune 100 tech companies, there was a thing known as “business bullshit bingo,” where meeting participants would keep track of the use of various corporate clichés and shout “bingo!!” as soon as they heard any five out of the hundreds of possibilities like:

We have to get our ducks in a row
It’s basic blocking and tackling
We’re pushing the envelope
Let’s grab the low-hanging fruit
It’s not rocket science
It’s a win-win situation
Think outside the box

I’m not sure anyone ever risked his career by actually doing this, but the concept was somewhat funny.

At left is an analogy from today’s Republican party.  Kudos to its creator.

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Regarding the meme here, a message to its author:  Present day Trumpers, i.e., those who think their leader has done nothing wrong, will never regard their loyalty to the former president as any form of “stink.” They will go to their graves believing that Trump is an honest servant of the American people who was corruptly persecuted by the radical left.


From Jayson Allen:
How disgusting is it that when a handful of nominee hopefuls were asked last night if they would support Trump, (all but two) raised their hands like elementary school kickball hopefuls worried about being picked last.
Have a little dignity! Have a little self confidence. “No, I will not stand behind Trump because I am going to be the new face of the Republican party!”
Instead, you had a bunch of simpering sycophants too worried about alienating a base that consists mostly of maniacs and meth-heads…
That’s why the Orange Dumpsterfire continues to dominate; they LET HIM.  Weakest showing at a debate in the US EVER TELEVISED.
“No, I will not stand behind Trump because I am going to be the new face of the Republican party!” is a good, clever response.  But I recommend: “No, I will not stand behind Trump because he’s clearly a criminal, and regardless of the outcome of each of the 91 felony charges against him, he does not represent honesty, decency, and the rest of America’s core values.”
Now, of course, you would have received a chorus of boos that would have shaken the rafters, but as least you would have distinguished yourself as a person of integrity.
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This from MSNBC correspondent (and Harvard graduate) Joy Reid.  Good one!

DeSantis, whose singular appeal is limited to the very most hateful and ignorant Americans, is trailing Trump by about 50 points, so we won’t get to see him in the general election.

And yes, there are people who would vote for a grizzly bear for president rather than a Democrat, so he might get, say, 30% of the popular vote.


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As I posted earlier, we don’t see this level of hostility and abject stupidity in any other country in the developed world.

Yet, keep in mind how Donald Trump would have been regarded in any other country in the developed world; he would have been laughed off the debate stage as the criminal conman that he so obviously is.

We stand alone in our ignorance and our hatred.

I was raised by fairly strict, and decidedly conservative parents, and my father carried (actually, flew) a weapon in World War II (a B-17) but he had no interest in guns and the like in peace time.  I wish these kids had the same advantage.

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