Here we have a photo of the economy seating section of a Pan Am Boeing 747 in 1970. The flight attendant is serving free drinks and a three course meal.
That was before corporate greed took over virtually every aspect of our daily lives.
Today, corporate profits are at an all-time high, and what are these behemoths doing? Lowering costs, especially that of human capital, while raising prices.
Given that the whole world is about to find out what this grand juror is referring to, there is hope that a substantial number of Trump supporters are going to bail, and that the sociopathic former president will no longer play a factor in American politics.
Much has been said about how horrible things happen to apparently sane and just societies. Now, for instance, we’re scratching our heads about the rise of Donald Trump in the United States.
Brilliant chemist Primo Levi takes the view of many holocaust survivors, i.e., that the danger lies more in the enablers than the “monster” himself.
In Trump’s case, the “enablers” include not only his inner circle and supporters in Congress, but the right-wing news media. If Fox News, for instance, only had a shred of decency, and refused to promote this sociopath, the entirety of American society wouldn’t gone down this deadly path.
2GreenEnergy supporter Gary Tulie writes as follows:
Regarding the Maui fires I thought I would share with you a few thoughts.
Firstly, the fires and associated deaths are a major tragedy, and anything I say is forward looking as to how similar might be prevented or mitigated in the future.
So, are his actions here unethical? Believe it or not, I wouldn’t say so.
Trump’s base understands that the former president uses their donations to forward his political career and return to the White House as quickly as possible. In my estimation, he’s keeping his end of the agreement, since he knows that serving a life term in prison will make it quite difficult for him to fulfill the duties of the 46th U.S. president.
Now, if you’re Steven Bannon and you solicited donations to complete the wall on the southern border, only to put those funds into your pocket, you’ve crossed a big fat line from potentially “unethical” to “blatantly criminally fraudulent.”
Going back to Trump, we’re really wasting our breath if we’re talking about borderline unethical acts when we’re talking about a man charged with 91 felonies, including his attempt to overthrow the United States government. Discussion on this issue is equivalent to calling him out on his makeup or his hiring a prostitute.
Billionaires are under no legal imperative to use their wealth for the good of anyone but themselves. And it’s refreshing to see a person like Dolly Parton come along and make a huge difference in millions of young people’s lives.
The net worth of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are two orders of magnitude larger. Either of them could end world hunger, or greatly reduce the impact of climate change. That they are building vanity rockets doesn’t speak too highly of their moral character.
At left is a “survey” circulating on social media.
Did Hunter Biden act illegally? There are tens of thousands of replies thus far, almost all of which are, “Of course! And his father too!”
If I were to be asked, I’d have to say, “I have no idea, and neither does anyone, possibly including the people in the DoJ. I guess we’ll find out as the investigation unfolds.”
Now, I fully understand the Fox News narrative here, i.e., that, for the first time in U.S. history, a president has “weaponized the Justice Department” against a political rival. If it seems probable to you that the “Biden Crime Family” has corrupted the 115,000 employees of the DoJ, I don’t know what to tell you.
The only values I share with traditional Republicans are honesty and a respect for science. Of course, if you’re talking about a Republican president, you have to go back to Eisenhower to find one. Nowadays, they and I have exactly nothing in common.
As an American, I’d far rather see the GOP re-invent itself in terms of at least some level of integrity and intelligence rather than to continue to serve as a gross embarrassment to the United States.
What about nominating Liz Cheney? Nope, too honest and decent. And what’s in it for her to trade childish insults with the people at this year’s Republican debate.
One has to presume that she’s thinking about 2028, giving her party five full years to reorganize its thinking around sanity.
From 2GreenEnergy supporter Joe Spease (pictured):
On the news today that Trump is not going to release, Monday, the “irrefutable report” proving election fraud in Georgia, I have to ask, TRUMP SUPPORTERS DO YOU SEE A PATTERN OF LIES HE FEEDS TO YOU???!!! Look at these broken promises, lies from him:
2015: Trump promised to release “in a few weeks” his COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE PLAN that would cover everyone and reduce the cost of healthcare for all Americans. 8 years later he has produced NO SUCH PLAN.
2016: Trump promises to release a dynamic “INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN,” that will build roads, bridges, water/sewer and other essential projects. 7 years later he has produced NO SUCH PLAN. In the meantime, Biden created such a plan and has already created 170,000 new jobs and that is just for starters.
2016: Trump promises to build a wall along the southern border that Mexico will pay for. Mexico has paid for nothing and the billions of dollars footed by American taxpayers built a pathetic wall that is not keeping anyone out.
2016: Trump promised to “Keep America first.” Trump destroyed relationships with major allies that hurt business and military security.
I could go on and on, but Trump supporters must know that he is laughing at them. He makes bold statements/promises that he never keeps. He gave trillion-dollar tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires that only hurt 95% of Americans. Trump cares nothing about Americans!!! How many broken promises will it take before you vote for someone who really does care about you and our country?
You make excellent points, and ask good questions here, Joe. The answer, of course, is that 30% of American voters live in a post-truth world.
At a certain level, they don’t care about what is factually correct, as long as their leader continues to destroy wokeism, and actively worsens the lives of who are already most oppressed: immigrants, LGBTQs, people of color, the poor, non-Christians, etc.
A reader mentioned recently that we can’t expect Trump’s removal to change much in American society, at least anytime soon. He reasoned that Trump granted us permission to act like ass****s to one another, and there is no mechanism by which that permission can be withdrawn.
I’m afraid he’s correct, by and large. There is a certain percentage of our population, and it’s considerable, that revels in hate, greed, fanatical Christianity, and the rejection of science. They are like kids in a candy store at this point, and they aren’t going to want to leave.