My wife and I have been involved in the Thoroughbred breeding industry for almost 20 years. I thought readers would be interested in some of my observations. 

Shrinking Base of Racing Fans and the Erosion of Purse Money

The fan base for racing is shrinking, as gamblers generally are being lured into other forms of gaming that promote themselves more effectively. Although this is a clear trend overall, there is an interesting set of sub-dynamics at work. Racing continues to attract a subset of gamblers that feel they can use their handicapping skills to beat the odds, and thus racing will likely maintain some base of loyal fans as long as there are races on which to bet. One notes that poker (another form of gambling based at least partially on skill) enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity recently, and one hopes that something similar could happen for horse racing, though it’s hard to envision anything like this.

My personal theory here is that there is nothing that can be done to re-establish the level of enthusiasm for horseracing that existed in the 20th century. An obvious part of the modern cultural zeitgeist is the demand for instant gratification; people can no longer be expected to pore over past performance charts and pedigrees in order to make educated bets on 60 second-long races that occur with 30-minute breaks between the action.

The issue for owners, of course, is that this erosion of handle will eventually cause a reduction in the total amount of purse money, unless the industry is effective in developing creative ways to inject additional funds into the system. The best candidate for such an injection is the broadening of the racing experience to include other forms of gaming as well, e.g., slot machines, and, most notably, video racing machines. Such devices instantly reversed the sinking fortunes of tracks in Delaware, West Virginia, and Louisiana.

Extending this to other states where racing is declining, however, seems unlikely, since Thoroughbred owners are not well represented in state legislatures. Generally, owners are an almost completely powerless group that seems to make its situation even worse by failing to organize properly, and by splintering off into factions that fight among themselves, rather than unifying themselves against the challenges they face.

Disappearance of the Race Tracks Themselves

Exacerbating the effects of the eroding fan base is off-track betting and online gambling that has further reduced revenues for tracks in terms of admissions, parking, and food/ beverage. Racetracks are gradually disappearing as real estate management companies see less restrictive and risky uses for their assets and better overall ROI elsewhere.

Dishonest Trainers

Probably the most powerful force working against owners today is the rampant criminality among trainers. I happen to know a few old-time trainers personally who, under the condition of anonymity, have told me dozens of stories, each of which points to one conclusion: the illegal drugging of race horses is the rule, not the exception. The process of testing for illegal drugs is very easy to beat, and is becoming more so each year, as the number of drugs proliferates and new substances are developed that mask the traces of drugs in horses’ systems.

In addition, the penalties for those trainers and track veterinarians who are stupid or clumsy enough to get caught administering the drugs are so minor that they present essentially no deterrent. Put another say, this climate provides huge incentive to cheat, as it’s extremely difficult to win without doing so. As a result, honest trainers are rare, and, because of the huge disadvantage they face, generally have dismal winning percentages.

Understandably, the industry wishes to avoid bad press, and so, even when it finds abuses, tends to keep them quiet. Consequently, I don’t think you should expect to see too much media coverage of this phenomenon.

Those who acknowledge that illegal drugs are ubiquitous in the racing industry normally say that the betting public is the victim, and I suppose it’s hard to dispute that. But clearly the owners lose even more, as their equine assets are systematically broken down, by being forced to run at top speed even when they are severely injured or badly sore. This, of course, makes it less likely than ever that the owners will recoup their costs with purse money.

Breeding for Speed

A few decades ago, it was not uncommon for horses to have 50-or even 75 starts in their careers. Today, a horse with 10 starts is rare. What changed? Yes, illegal drugs have harmed the breed greatly, but drugs have been with us at some level for a long while. However, there have been two major changes that have occurred very recently.

First is the demand for precocity, intended to produce short-term financial returns for owners and trainers. Currently, industry norms dictate that almost every horse entering its racing life is put under intense pressure to run at blistering rates of speed very early in its two year-old year. One-furlong racing previews at the March two year-old in training sales are impressive only if they are accomplished in close to 10 seconds-and often under that mark. Two-furlong previews need to be in the range of 21 seconds.

Many people believe that this super-tough training of young horses is simple abuse, and you won’t find me arguing against that opinion. What isn’t an opinion at all, however, is this: placing two year-olds under this incredible pressure represents an enormous change from the industry norms of a few decades ago. It was only a short while ago that we gave most young horses time to grow up, and allowed their anatomy to form fully before subjecting them to this level of stress.

This demand for speed has broken down a great number of excellent horses who otherwise would likely have gone on to fine careers. But worse yet is the breeding for speed. Until recently, precocity was a lucky accident. Man o’War had 10 starts as a two year-old (in 1919), but this was an extreme rarity. Now precocity is the order of the day. There is no market for horses that are bred for stamina, or for long careers that span four or five years. Today’s market-where it exists at all-is for horses that are bred to run a few lightening-fast races-and then disintegrate. We’ve deliberately-and quite effectively-bred soundness out of the Thoroughbred.


The other major change also relates to breeding. Over the last decade or so, broodmare owners have focused on a very limited range of fashionable sires. As a result, a huge percentage of the horses racing today are inbred to a very few stallions-almost exclusively from the Northern Dancer and Mr. Prospector lines. The DNA in the breed today is far narrower than it has ever been in history. Anyone with even a basic understanding of high-school biology can see that this fanatical level of inbreeding has resulted in catastrophic damage to the Thoroughbred gene pool.

The Basic Economics of the Industry

Increased costs of labor and materials for breeders, coupled with falling sales prices for mares and babies have results in fewer horses being bred and thus shorter fields (which serves to drive even more racing fans away). I.e., we currently have fewer horses that are competing for purses that, to date, have remained fairly constant. Normally, of course, market conditions like these would produce a demand for more horses to replace those that are breaking down or were not bred in the first place. After all, someone wins the purse of every race that is run.

But the industry is crashing. The Barrett’s January mixed sales and the March two year-old sale were down dramatically from past years. Onlookers stood in shock as many horses whose owners had invested tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars did not get a single starting bid of $900. We’ve build a breeding industry in which a purebred Siamese cat is worth more than many of these two year-old horses that blaze a furlong in 10 seconds flat.

So let us ask ourselves this: Why are sale prices plummeting in a market that is experiencing a diminishing supply in the face of constant demand? The answer, I believe, is contained in the analysis above. The failings of the industry overall have resulted in a hugely negative average return on investment at the typical auction over the last few years. Most of these horses entered to be sold as weanlings, yearling, and two year-olds in training do not survive the brutal training and the abuse of drugs that are injected into them-and only a very small minority generates a substantially positive return for their owners.

Interestingly, the sales companies don’t even try to argue this point. The Barrett’s March sale offered a few hundred two year-olds, and its catalog advertised four or five horses from its previous sales that succeeded on the track. This forces the reader to wonder: Gosh, what happened to the other 99%? The answer, of course, is that they’re standing around somewhere trying to recover from cracked sesamoids, bowed tendons, ruined suspensories-or worse.

Even if owners can somehow avoid being outright cheated, they still have experienced a sharp increase in the costs of training. Together, these issues have formed a market condition that can be summed up as follows: Thoroughbreds are truly terrible investments. Only hobbyists spend money they know they’ll never get back, and, as the economy has tightened, fewer people can afford to participate in this expensive hobby. One can only look at the dismal sales results, the closing of breeding farms, and people leaving the business to acknowledge that the “chickens have come home to roost.”

What We Must Do

Only a complete change in industry practices—whether they come from within or they are forced upon the industry by legislative bodies—can prevent Thoroughbred racing as we know it from becoming a thing of the past. Here are five quick suggestions to consider:

1) Create a Strong National Organization. Form a strong, unified, national organization that works hard with legislators to level the playing field of gambling. Horseracing faces costs that state lotteries and owners of slot machines do not, and legislators need to enact laws that result in the fair and equal treatment of all forms of gambling.

If such an organization were to exist, it would also have the size and scale to perform national advertising campaigns aimed at stemming the erosion of the fan base. In fact, it would be a fairly straightforward task to make “racinos,” if they could be legislated into existence, into extremely popular as nightspots for huge numbers of people.

The NTRA was an attempt to create such an organization. However, it is roundly jeered as a complete catastrophe and rip-off, run by ineffectual fat-cats in posh mahogany offices who have done very little to fight for the rightful position of horse racing. I have no doubt that many people still are feeling the sting of disappointment as the NTRA failed to deliver on even the most basic promises it made when it was established, and I would be understand if these people were skeptical of a new attempt to create an ethical, effective organization. Yet without an organization that is national in scope, it seems impossible for the racing industry to create the level of focused energy and clout necessary to make any real changes in the destiny of Thoroughbred racing.

2) Make a Real Effort to Clean Up the Industry. Enact zero tolerance and hand down tough penalties for trainers and vets who break the very clear rules surrounding fraud and the illicit use of drugs. If you suspend lawbreakers for a few years (rather than a few days) you’ll soon have a climate where trainers think hard before cheating.

3) Don’t Train Babies. Simply do not write races for horses before October 1st of their two year-old seasons. Such a prohibition is the only way to prevent the wanton abuse of young horses that has resulted in the incredible carnage the industry has seen in recent years, and the deterioration in the soundness of the entire breed.

4) Get Our Act Together with Respect to Synthetic Surfaces. It seems that a new report is published every week that goes against the prevailing belief on the efficacy of synthetic surfaces. Clearly, mistakes have been made, and we can’t change the past. But we can simply stop rushing to a quick fix based on a few people’s opinions, in the absence of true science.

In any case, we can certainly stop looking for a one-size-fits-all solution. There are hundreds of different combinations of possible surfaces, average rainfalls, drainage systems, and high and low temperature ranges that exist at the tracks around the country. Somewhere, there must be an optimum choice for each individual track. Perhaps we need a moratorium on change while we study these issues and derive some real science to guide our future decision-making.

As suggested above, however, my personal theory is that, given all the damage we’ve done to the breed, a new surface will not represent a meaningful remedy to issue of soundness.

5) Create Sales Events for “Horses of Racing Age.” Again, we need to acknowledge and deal effectively with the inexorable cultural trend towards instant gratification. The public wants horses ready to go to the track right now. Why not give them what they want? We need to organize yearly sales of horses that have raced, or that are race-ready right now.

Keeping it Real

I’m not cynical by nature, but I do try to be realistic. I know that, for change to occur, there needs to be incentive on the part of those making the change; the sad truth is that things generally do not happen just because they’re “right” or “fair.” Here, we have an entrenched system built around a combination of apathy, ignorance, greed, dishonesty, and special interests. Does the horse racing industry have the guts required to enforce honest, decent behavior? Will it generate the political muscle to deal effectively with the interests that work hard to promote Indian gaming, state lotteries, and other forms of gambling? Again, I don’t wish to appear cynical, but I would say that both are heavy long shots.

Thoroughbred Racing’s Likely Destiny

There will likely always be a top echelon in racing for those who legitimately aspire to win graded stakes races. There is no pressure whatsoever on the sheiks of the UAE and the old money in Kentucky to give up their quests for the Triple Crown, the Breeders Cup Classic and the Dubai Cup. But currently, there is no incentive for anyone to play at any other level—except the desperately poor or self-delusional, hoping for a lucky break, or the few people who do not see these trends and get out while they still can.

Of course, even the big, moneyed players want venues to race their less talented stock. But I’m afraid the days are numbered for full cards at dozens of tracks open simultaneously around the country. If I were to guess, I would say that the ultimate destiny of racing is fewer tracks, a handful of jet-setter owner-hobbyists, with horses that train for a few top events.

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Over the years, I’ve coached many of my kids’ sports teams. Here are a few observations: Everybody talks about how seriously kids — and especially their parents — take winning versus losing in sports. Unfortunately, this is largely true. And the most common casualty here is sportsmanship. I don’t succumb to this garbage, and I’m sure you don’t either.

In fact, I have kids “repeat after me” at the first day of practice:


(their name)

promise that I will treat

my fellow players AND our opponents

with respect at all times during this season –

that I will win like a gentleman

and that I will lose like a gentleman.”

And it’s not that I don’t encourage the kids to play hard. There is no reason to act as if sports — or life more generally — is non-competitive, because that’s not true, and you’re serving no one by pretending otherwise. The American Youth Soccer Organization, AYSO, boasts 600,000 players and tens of thousands of volunteer coaches and referees. The emphasis is on fairness, balanced teams, and giving everyone an equal chance to play. It’s as close as you can get to a non-competitive spirit, yet everyone is trying his hardest to win, and it’s a great environment for kids.

One of the tricks in coaching in AYSO is to build a fun and supportive climate while working hard on developing skills that will win games. If you don’t succeed in helping each player improve at least one thing during each practice, they going to get killed in their games, and everybody will have a rotten time.

For those of you who have the opportunity to coach you kids in sports, I urge you to take it. It’s certainly been one of the highlights of my life. And here are two quick stories that I hope will begin to explain the reason I feel this way.

My son Jake was a considerable soccer powerhouse when he was little. In the first game of his under-8 season, he scored three goals in a 3-2 win over an opponent whose dominant player — Paul, as I remember — had scored both their goals. When we walked off the field, I asked Jake if he wanted to say something to Paul. As a coach and as a father, I was lucky enough to hear the brief but poignant conversation. Jake told they boy, who was taking the loss rather hard, “Hey. You’re a good player.” Paul smiled, bowed his head, and replied softly, “Thanks. But you’re better than I am.”

That’s warmth and humility.

Six years later, I coached Jake’s under-14 team — and, as you can imagine, observed a grossly different set of dynamics. Generally, adolescents are more concerned about looking cool than they are about warming up to others. I was lucky enough to have been assigned terrific young men, and when the regular season ended in December, we had the best record, and so were bound for the playoffs — but not until after a two-month hiatus. When I got the kids back for a practice after the break, I asked everyone to sit in a circle. I requested that everyone talk, one at a time, about what he had been up to, what he thought we needed to do to be successful in the playoffs, and so forth. Some kids were shy about this, but most had really good, constructive suggestions. When it came his turn to speak, one boy just sat there and beamed as he looked unhurriedly around the circle at each face. Finally he spoke, “Man,” he said slowly. “It sure is good to see you guys again.”

That’s friendship and trust.

If you know of something that brings any more joy, please let me know.

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In late 2007, I began discussing an idea with a few friends: a series of essays that could be made into a book or a film documentary series—each conceived around a single idea:

We in Western civilization need to broaden our understanding of the world around us. Our processes for exploration and investigation have become so narrow, focused, and specific that we’ve cut ourselves off from a great deal of creative thinking and innovative problem solving. We need to become “Renaissance men and women,” aggressively reversing this trend, and developing our ability to see the world and the challenges we face through a wide variety of different lenses.

At this point, I’d like to offer some of these essays as a blog.

Understanding the Trend toward Specialization

This trend toward specificity has accelerated recently to the point that our current mode of inquiry has become almost exclusively silo-oriented, with our collective know-how splintered into hundreds of tightly confined areas that have little bearing on or communion with one another. An obvious example of this is the workplace, where job functions have taken on incredible levels of detail and specialization—but this phenomenon is by no means limited to our careers.

The cause of the trend is normally identified as the exponential growth in the volume of knowledge available to us all, which has rendered it impossible for anyone to develop and maintain anything more than a surface-level understanding of more than one topic. Though this is unarguably part of the issue, I believe that we’re dealing with something even more fundamental: a change—over the last century or so—in our overall cultural paradigm of thinking and investigation.

This, of course, is not an original idea; in fact, it was the crux of Buckminster Fuller’s Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, published in 1963. Fuller wrote, “Our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking….We are in an age that assumes the narrowing trends of specialization to be logical, natural, and desirable….In the meantime, humanity has been deprived of comprehensive understanding. Specialization has bred feelings of isolation, futility, and confusion in individuals. It has also resulted in the individual’s leaving responsibility for thinking and social action to others.”

No one can doubt that we as a culture increasingly seek out subject matter experts—in hundreds—probably even thousands of disciplines, to provide better, more specific answers to our questions. This reliance on experts, as Fuller points out, has caused us to back off from “comprehensive” thinking, but worse still, has generated a general apathy in most of us about really understanding the world around us. And it has most certainly affected how most of us go through of our lives—from the colleges we choose, to the majors we select, to the careers we pursue, to the way we look for cures to our ailments, to the books we read.

We’re all familiar with the concept of holistic medicine—the idea that the human organism must be understood as an integral entity—one whose individual “parts”—if they exist as discrete physiological elements at all—do so only through constant interactions with other so-called “parts” to create the incredible complexity we call a human being. The concept of the proposed series is essentially an extension of that idea—that a broadened perspective can be—and needs to be—applied to our lives more generally. Our search for answers to life’s questions and solutions to our problems needs to be defocused, such that it takes into consideration the widest possible breadth of investigation.

The Blog

On this blog, you’ll see brief essays on many dozens of different arenas—spanning, as well as my guests and I are able, the breadth of human discourse. In many cases we‘ll be posing more questions than we purport to answer, but in every case, we’ll aspire to re-open readers’ minds to the great issues that confront is in the sciences as well as the humanities.

I will find it interesting to see if this blog becomes popular. I actually have high hopes, insofar as it is clear that people in general are increasingly aware of the quickening pace of innovation and technology, and rightfully concerned that civilization is not sufficiently wise and circumspect to steer us away from trouble.

I will hope that many of you consider becoming contributing authors. In any case, I look forward to your comments on the essays.

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