With Trump’s crimes all over the media, a bible-thumper as House Speaker, jackasses like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the concerted effort to ban abortion, one would think there would be massive defections from the Republican Party.
Here’s a product for people with virtually no understanding of science. The efficiency of electric heaters is very close to 100%.
If I were Elon Musk, I’d have a team of people hunting down criminals who were using my likeness to sell fraudulent stuff. He probably can afford the expense.
Tocqueville wrote this in the early 19th Century, and there is no doubt that he made an excellent point, given the times.
Had he been alive today, however, I doubt he’d be singing the same tune. Technology, while it is making our lives healthier, longer, and more pleasant, represents grave threats as well, in the form of environmental collapse, AI, weaponry, cyber-crime, and employment.
It’s well-known that millions of Americans spend a great deal of time watching football on television, particularly on Sundays, when most of the professional games are played.
Though I was paying only casual attention to yesterday’s contests, I happened to notice the announcers in two different games used the word “hate” to describe the feelings that fan bases of certain rivals have for each other.
Hate? Really? Do the Philadelphia Eagles supporters hate the Dallas Cowboys fans? Maybe this is an accurate term for a small percentage of deranged people, but most people who hail from the Philadelphia vicinity simply feel some sort of natural allegiance to the local team, which by no means requires us to hate people who come from Dallas, or any other city.
Making statements like these serve to promote hatred, a commodity of which there is already a superabundance in the world right now.
Over the years, I’ve commented on attempts to raise investment capital via business plans that are strong on identifying a problem, but are extremely weak on offering a reasonable solution.
The only information the promotional video provides is that the electricity come from the grid, and charges the car with a 110V (house current, unacceptably slow) circuit.
They write:
That’s why Power Hero has been focused on enabling apartment residents to charge their EVs at home, in the building where they live, on their own outlet (whatever that means). That’s our PowerPac product scheduled for market introduction in 2024. Our investors get it. Don’t Miss Out
The meme here came from a reader/friend who is both a Christian and an extremely senior chemist/physicist.
FWIW, I disagree with his assessment; I see no evidence that our civilization is becoming more scientific in its thinking, or more likely to apply reason in its problem-solving.
And it’s not like we have to strain to find examples of this. After all, we have Israel, followers of Judaism, bombing the bejeepers out of Islamic fundamentalists whose terrorist tendencies are based on the self-evident truth that Allah is superior to the God of Abraham.
Here in the U.S., we have a Speaker of the House who claims that his guiding principles as one of our top lawmakers are found exclusively in the Bible.
At every turn, we are beset by anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, and, of course, Trump supporters.
Those who believe in the actual teachings of Jesus: peace, compassion, mercy, kindness, will not fall weaker from the attacks of rationality.
Apparently, the poor little tyke whose mother drove him across state lines with an AR-15, who shot to death three Black Lives Matter protesters, is having a tough time getting accepted to college.
Yes, he was acquitted of the murder charges, but college admissions personnel don’t seem too impressed with his credentials, perhaps out of fear that his future classmates are likely to get gunned down by this sociopath. Wouldn’t look good on the resume.
Unfortunately, the alternative university (shown here) is no longer operating.
As much as I consider myself a “woke” individual, i.e., one who tries to maintain a sensitive awareness of the needs and well-being of others (aka “courteous” or “well-mannered”), I grant that it’s not for everyone.
If the country music world wants to remain bounded by heterosexuality, white Christians, Republican politics, how God blesses America, alcohol, vigilantism, horses, trucks, our nation’s flag, and so forth, that’s no skin off my nose.
John Rich’s new single is called “I’m Offended.” John, just do your thing for your like-minded fans. I’m not offended.
The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good and that could be again.
– James Earl Jones, as Terence Mann
There is no doubt that America has been “erased and rebuilt” several times.
But what’s going to be required to repair the damage done by Trumpism and all its associated hate and ignorance?
“Field of Dreams” is a great movie, but it takes a real stretch of the imagination to believe that the key here is going to be baseball.
This should be interesting, since the Republicans’ key witness has testified that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing on Biden’s part. I’m just a casual observer, but I would think that would be an important ingredient in an impeachment.