Taking advantage of religious people goes back to the dawn of humanity, but it’s never been more egregious than it is now.

Here’s the former president of the United States, “retweeting” a post that suggests that he’s living a life of righteousness under God.

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Here, U.S. Senator from Texas Ted Cruz makes another in a series of hard pitches to Trump supporters who believe that the 2020 election was stolen, and that the prosecution of the former president is a witch hunt.

For those who don’t wish to watch the video linked above, I’ll summarize: the key here is the need to donate. Big. And right NOW! Do whatever you can to send Ted Cruz back to congress. God will send you to Heaven, and, even better, send all those woke people you hate to suffer eternal torture in hell. Write those checks, or donate online, NOW!

This is just one more proof-point that a huge market has opened up based on the pure, cold mathematics of emptying the wallets of America’s most hateful and ignorant.

I’ve been told that I have a fairly decent marketing mind, but I lack one critical component to entering this means of shooting fish in a barrel: a conscience.  I know you have that shortcoming too.

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You might think there is no upside to the demise of the American educational system and the accompanying spike in ignorance.

You’d be wrong.

It’s made possible a market for products that have no real value.  Cunning entrepreneurs are making a fortune selling worthless garbage to a large and growing cohort of people whose capacity to think things through is feeble–on a good day.

The paradigm for keeping a swimming pool clean is based on the fact that gunk that lands in the pool either floats on the water’s surface or sinks to the bottom.  Pool filters take in and remove the gunk from the top, while “creepy crawlers” move across the bottom of the pools.

Do you want another expensive, redundant device, to clean the surface water? You can buy one at the site linked above.

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When this is over, it will be clear that the only mistake Trump made was running for president.

He could have stayed in business indefinitely, heartlessly ripping off tradespeople, donors to his sham charities, students at his fraudulent university, and everyone else who had the poor fortune of being associated with him.

But once that sociopathic narcissist got into public office, especially one with the visibility of a U.S. president, Pandora’s box was opened, and there was no turning back.

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At least some Republicans are coming after Trump, albeit in ways that skirt the main issue.   Nobody seems to be saying that Trump is a brazen criminal who came within a gnat’s ass of ending democracy in the United States.



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Not only are teachers paid poorly and subjected to active shooters, they’re muzzled when it comes to curricula and how it’s presented.

It’s hard to imagine anything else we could be doing to destroy our children’s educations.

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The reason that box stores refuse to carry MyPillow is that the company’s CEO, Mike Lindell, is a criminal, one whose lies are actually more outrageous than those of Trump himself.

Decent people don’t want to give one iota of support to people who tried to overthrow the U.S. government.



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When it became clear that Liz Cheney was taking this tack (see left) in her political career, I joined millions of Americans in expressing my respect for her courage and integrity.

Since then, I’ve asked several Republicans, even those who want to see Trump incarcerated, what they think about Cheney as a presidential candidate, and none has been at all enthusiastic about the idea.

I really don’t get this.  She’s honest and extremely conservative.  Is there something that today’s GOP doesn’t like about that?

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Hate pervades many different socio-economical classes in the United States.

Upper-class white people hate the majority of Americans for desiring to help the less fortunate. They use lawmaking to protect their privilege.

The lower class hates anyone coming within 10 or 15 feet of their homes.  They use their fists.

I don’t really connect with either, but I wonder what the guy who wrote the sign at left would have done with a better education.

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Is our planet regressing deep into its bloody past?  No.

Fortunately, the rejection of science is almost nonexistent outside the United States.

You won’t find other people in the developed world believing that the pandemic was a government plot or that the rising temperature of the Earth is due to solar activity, or that laws should be based on religious texts, or even that healthcare should be withheld from those who cannot afford it.

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