This should be interesting, since the Republicans’ key witness has testified that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing on Biden’s part. I’m just a casual observer, but I would think that would be an important ingredient in an impeachment.
“Biasly” is a website that rates the biases of various news outlets. Here, they analyze, which describes itself as “a place where experts analyze defense, national security, foreign policy, and politics,” and give them a +24, meaning: “somewhat conservative.”
The interesting part is that they honestly believe, as elaborated in the article, that “Donald Trump Could ‘Destroy America.'” The author begins: What we are experiencing is Donald Trump’s need for self-gratification and enhancement. It will destroy the political order in the country and likely ensure the Republicans never hold office again.
Calling out Trump for his criminal behavior is expected from liberal sources, but when conservatives head in this direction, perhaps it’s worth taking note.
Anyone who thinks it’s a strong idea environmentally to use electricity from the grid to accelerate the composting of garbage hasn’t studied the matter too carefully.
There is no doubt that the level of corruption in American politics makes it difficult for this nation to make progress, and that’s essentially true regardless of what one thinks of whatever the word “progress” means: universal healthcare, quality public education, clean energy and transportation, the lessening of the wealth chasm between the ultra-rich and the rest of us, etc. The list goes on.
Arguably, the most pitiable victim here is the family of the child who went to school this morning, only to have his body ripped to shreds by a deranged individual with an assault rifle.
It didn’t have to happen. It was the result of a conscious decision made by a bunch of greedy cowards.
It’s “were in love” (rather than “was in love”), but Ms. Herbers makes an excellent point.
Professional football gets plenty of public attention, but the fact that we’re baking our planet could use a bit more of our focus and concern.
I approve of the guy who wrote, “If you’re drinking Smart Water, it isn’t working.”
Seriously, smart (and decent) people try to avoid single-use plastics, regardless of what’s inside them.
As suggested here, attorneys who defend Trump must have certain key characteristics, one of which is a thorough indifference to getting paid.
Others include a profound desire for ignominy.
If we still have an organized civilization here on Earth in the year 2100, it will be interesting to look back and ponder the works of our great leaders. At left is what Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius stood for.
Stands in sharp contrast to a more recent world potentate.
We all hope that “Gen Z” voters will take the political issues seriously, and get to vote in impressive numbers. The expectation is a reasonable one, as, if they remain on the sidelines, it will be they who will inherit a collapsing environment and a deeply degraded democracy, if there is anything left of it at all.
The photo here, however, gives one pause.