In a recent post I pointed out that Ben Carson will cause only a small number of Americans to: “Pledge (Their) Servant Leadership (whatever that means) to One Nation, Under God,” on the basis that “Much of our country has lost sight of our founding principles, (for example) faith as an American cornerstone.”

Perhaps the most offensive aspect to all of this is the line: (I pledge to) hold my neighbors accountable as we unite in an effort to preserve freedom in America.

Assuming my neighbors actually accept this garbage, they have no right to force me to buy into it too.

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We’ve all encountered the myth that Trump’s indictments have come from Biden’s Department of Justice, implying that the president is “weaponizing the DoJ” against his political opponent.  The meme here may go a long way to dispelling that.

Another point to be made is that, of the 86 witnesses that will be called in the trial against Trump for attempting to overthrow the U.S. government, every single one is a Republican.

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Being a disgusting pig is not a crime.

However, attempting to overthrow the United States government actually is a crime, and that’s what’s taking the former president down.


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Here’s something from law professor and U.S. representative Katie Porter, who’s now running for a seat in the Senate:

July was the hottest month our planet has ever seen. And still, Republicans in Congress are resisting any further action on climate change. It’s BS.

Extreme heat alone costs our economy $100 billion per year, while climate change related disasters have already cost the U.S. trillions in taxpayer dollars. Worsening heat and extreme weather events are literally taking lives.

Congress must take bold action to hold polluters accountable and invest in clean energy sources.

My (new) bill to raise rates on polluters who drill on our public lands finally took effect this year. But there’s so much more to do.

In the Senate I’ll fight to pass the Green New Deal, adequately fund the Environmental Protection Agency, and support climate legislation that doesn’t leave any community behind.

To those who have never watched Porter verbally eviscerate some poor fool who testified in front of Congress, ill-prepared for her penetrating line of questioning, it’s a sight to behold.

Best of all, she’s on the right side of the climate issue.

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Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has proposed legislation that would prohibit Fox News from writing off any portion of the $787 million defamation settlement that the company recently agreed to, in damages paid to Dominion Voting Systems.

This sounds good on the surface, as I’m no fan of Fox News.  Having said that, I’m a huge fan of fairness and justice, and this doesn’t seem right.

Fox News trades in lies and disinformation, the same way GM trades in cars, Dow trades in chemicals, and Microsoft trades in software.  In my mind, the consequences of what Fox does should be treated as a cost of doing business, just like normal businesses write off office rent, employee wages, IT, etc.

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In a word, No.

This from Ben Carson:

Pledge Your Servant Leadership to One Nation, Under God

By signing your name below, you are joining a community of servant leaders committed to preserving American freedom. (I promise to….) 

Lead by serving the causes of freedom, faith, liberty, and community.


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Re: the cartoon at left, a reader notes: “This is why people are afraid of nuclear power.”

Exactly.  Virtually everyone who understands the threat of climate change and the potential danger posed by nuclear power favors the further development of the latter.

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The cartoon here describes the essence of the conversation my mom and I have, when, for instance, anti-vaxxers show up on Fox News.  Mom asks me, “Don’t any of these commentators have credentials you respect?”

My reply is that the vast majority of epidemiologists are telling us that vaccines are safe and effective, and, to the degree that there is noncompliance, COVID-19 will be that much more lethal, and will cripple our society for that much longer.  The fact that Fox News can find one guy with an MD degree who stands opposed to this broad consensus does not change anything.

Obviously, the case is the same with climate change.  I know there are a few climate deniers with PhDs, and I don’t doubt that Fox News can find one to interview on camera.  But the vast majority of those who honestly and objectively study this subject hold valid the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

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Here’s a talk by Mitt Romney in 2016, leading up to the presidential election, when he was a member of the now-extinct species known as the moderate Republican.

Yes, there was a time when the platform of an entire American political party was not lies and criminality.

What drove Romney into irrelevance?  The answer is in the meme here: he called out Trump for the fraud he was, at the precise moment in time when the U.S. was hellbent on catapulting a sociopath into his position as the most powerful person on Earth.

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Here’s a company looking for investors.  And who wouldn’t jump at a chance?  They claim to have solved a very real problem, i.e., how to enable EV owners who live in apartments to charge their cars.

They write:  Power Hero makes EV charging convenient, accelerating electric vehicle adoption. As an engineer, CEO Esmond Goei encountered the same problem that everyone living in apartments experiences. Unless it’s convenient to charge at home, EVs are not an option.  Power Hero gives anyone the control to charge on their own terms.

Unfortunately, they don’t say anything about their solution.  If that doesn’t concern you, or seem like a total fraud, feel free to sign up.

Well, you might want to read about some of the legal s*** that Goei, a “serial entrepreneur,” has been in previously.  Nah, just send them a big check.

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