One of the problems with living in today’s insane society is that it’s hard to know the difference between comedy and real journalism.
It was only when I saw Borowitz’ name here that I realized that this wasn’t a serious statement by religious zealot Johnson, who truly is completely unqualified for the position.
U.S. founding father Thomas Paine’s thought here is a noble one indeed.
Sorry to say, however, but the odds against a period of peace in our children’s days seem to be very long indeed. I say that because:
• War is the paradigm by which countries settle their differences, and there doesn’t seem to be any progress in changing that.
• The persecution of the Jews has been a feature of life on Earth for thousands of years, and, since the formation of Israel 75 years ago, this situation has generally gotten more violent and senseless.
• Terrorism on the part of rogue groups (and established countries) has become commonplace. (more…)
The author of the meme here isn’t the only one with this dream, or at least a variation on its theme.
However, as I’ve written before, I caution that exorcizing this career criminal from the consciousness of the U.S. will happen only to the degree that Americans are able to watch the justice system at work as it tries the former president on 91 (possibly more to come) felony counts and sends this sociopathic traitor to prison.
My LEAF turned 12 years old this month. The battery was replaced 8.5 years ago under warranty with a 24kwh Lizard battery. Still running at 85% battery capacity.
If your family has multiple cars and you can charge at home one should be an EV.
90k miles. About 300,000 pounds of carbon dioxide saved. That’s about 500 acres of forest. Total charging cost around $300. Saved nearly 9k gallons of gasoline. Great ride, reliable. $1500 repairs (OBC and windshield) and $1000 tires, rims, and wiper blades.
We do have to pay a $200 annual EV fine in Alabama now subsidizing gas cars.
Nice going!
I’m not sure I would call it a fine, but rather a fee to force EV drivers to share the cost of road maintenance, which seems fair to me.
Having said that, I completely agree that phasing out internal combustion engines should be incentivized, which would happen with the implementation of the Carbon Fee and Dividend program that I’ve written about frequently.
This corroborates the idea that fishing this form of pollution out of the ocean is probably less efficient than cutting it off upstream, preferably by reducing the amount of single-use plastic bottles, flatware, etc. that enters our rivers in the first place.
What’s the most obvious motive for the guilty pleas in the Fulton County, Georgia case against 19 defendants accused of conspiring to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election? It’s that these criminals wish to avoid time in federal prison, and each has been offered that option in exchange for their testifying against others.
How happy are they to participate in convicting Donald Trump? That is anyone’s guess.
I don’t understand why we need disposable silverware in such quantities. I carry a little container with me, it was a gift from a friend. It has a complete set of silverware in it. Also had a metal straw that I use all the time. Everybody eats several times a day, how about y’all just carry some silverware with you in your bag?
You nailed it. We actually don’tneed large quantities of disposable flatware. And collecting/processing enormous numbers of avocado pits, even at guacamole plants, isn’t feasible.
This from an old friend, now a vascular surgeon practicing in Philadelphia, writing on the dangers of autocratic and rogue governments coming to dominance.
Recent article on China mentioned that with their economy in bad shape Xi is switching his overall goal from economic dominance to pure power.
With China, North Korea, Russia, Iran and also possibly India, Turkey and Brazil it looks like autocratic leadership is on the rise and it seems really very dangerous out there in the world. The evolution of weaponry also has made global involvement a fact rather than a choice. It seems like it was likely clearer and more straightforward when the world had the US and the Soviet Union squared off and both understanding that doing something really bad would have been very stupid. Now often stateless terrorist groups acting alone or sometimes acting as proxies for others, they seem to feel that there is no real need on their part for restraint.
Also, by economically isolating some of them we may be pushing them to work together in direct opposition to our goals.