It’s fine to be a conservative economist like Thomas Sowell, but it would be even better if he didn’t make gross mistakes like this.

From the mid-1930s through the start of the 1980s, the U.S. public sector, with the help of high tax rates imposed on the very richest of Americans, helped build a well-educated and extremely prosperous middle class. This included not only white guys returning from the war, but also expanding opportunity for women, immigrants and nonwhite workers.

Sadly, this eventually gave way to Ronald Reagan and “trickle-down economics,” but the entire half-century event stands out in world history as a shining example of what government can do to enhance the lives of the better part of an entire population.

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The author of this meme doesn’t understand too much about the world, e.g., how anti-democratic forces around the globe are working to unseat us, how rogue states are working to build nuclear weapons, and how terrorists forces threaten us all.

Ironically, the meme mentions taxes.  Try to imagine what our defense budget would be without allies to share the burden of deterring military threats, conventional and nuclear, from tyrannical governments with criminally insane leadership around the planet.

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Given the fragility of the world’s balance of power, anything’s possible for the U.S. and global economy.

One thing that’s highly unlikely, however, is that Tucker Carlson knows anything more about it than you or I.

When we come across ads like this, we are compelled to feel sorry for the level of intelligence of the common American.

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Ultra-right-wing Hillsdale “College” asks the question at left, and writes:
Do you think that the Constitution of “We the People” is being replaced by an elite and unaccountable administrative state?
Do we live in an era of bureaucratic despotism, ruled by an administrative state that bypasses the Constitution, rejects the separation of powers, and replaces the rule of law with regulations?
Hillsdale College wants your opinion about what’s happening in our nation through the National Referendum on the Administrative State.
Your input as an informed patriot is needed immediately because our country faces a constitutional crisis. Please take a few minutes to fill out the National Referendum by clicking on the link below, and let us know your thoughts.
I think there are very few Americans who believe that “justice is blind,” and that everyone, rich, poor, black, white, etc. is treated equally under the law.
Donald Trump, to take an example, is literally the only U.S. citizen who could have possibly been caught by the FBI with hundreds of boxes of classified government documents and not been subject to immediate arrest and detention.
Ironically, what these people are implying is the opposite, that people like Trump are treated more aggressively by law enforcement as part of the “administrative state.”  That’s a sick joke.
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Fortunately, only a small percentage of Americans believe this crap, and it’s fewer every day.

By the time Trump’s criminal trials are concluded, especially the one focusing on Trump’s attempt to overthrow the U.S. government, these numbers will be microscopic.

Of course, there will be people who can’t bring themselves to vote for a Democrat, but almost everyone here (and around the world) will come to understand that the election was not rigged, and that Trump lied about this, just like he did 30,000+ other things.

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At left we find an interesting perspective.

There seems to be no doubt that the world is increasingly a) divided, and b) more and more willing to inflict great harm on people on the other side.

As has been throughout history, most of this is driven by religion, i.e., the inane notion that my God is better than your God, but there is a secular side to this as well.  By this I mean tribalism in all its forms: racism, xenophobia, the demonization of wokeism.

I’m anything but an expert on the Israel/Palestine issue, but it strikes me that there are cultural and historical differences that are at least as powerful a driving force as theology per se.

From the perspective of a progressive American who is reading about this from the safety of his home on the other side of the globe, this seems like childish bull****.  If you saw your kids bully each other like this, you’d simply tell them to knock it off.

The stupidity of this whole mess is amplified by the fact that it’s happening in the midst of things like climate change and the other existential threats to human civilization.

On top of that, I quote American poet and novelist Charles Bukowski: “We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities; we are eaten up by nothing.”

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There’s a valuable message here.

Yes, I have to admit that I’m not happy that about one-third of American voters are not very bright, and prone to all manner of racist and xenophobic viewpoints–plus, I have to live among them.

But, all in all, it’s important to maintain an upbeat viewpoint, and some of the people are so far gone that it’s actually funny.

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Anna Kaplan hopes to replace George Santos in Congress.  She claims that he’s running again, and says, “I need your (campaign donations) to beat him at the ballot box.”

No, Anna, you don’t.  Santos has no more political future than my gardener.  And you know it.

We got rid of one liar; we don’t need another.

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I’m afraid I have bad news: No donations are going to change the belief systems of tens of millions of hateful idiots.

Having said that, we are capable of electing people who believe in democracy and rule of law, and perhaps donations to their campaigns would be helpful.

That said, I have to think that’s already in the process of working itself out. Our country and the rest of the world is watching as Trump and his cronies are brought to justice for their attempts to overthrow the U.S. government, and it seems unlikely that anyone in the future will want to find himself on the receiving end of a treason indictment.

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Most American consumers are at least somewhat concerned about the fuel economy that their cars provide, though, of course, many of these folks’ interest in the subject is rooted in how much they’re paying at the pump.

Personally, I have very low regard for those who simply don’t care about the environment in which the other 8 billion of us must live.

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