This guy has broad appeal to people of low reasoning capacity.

“Declare independence from communist China.”  I guess that makes sense until you ask yourself what it actually means.

Two of his other tenets:

God is real.


There are two genders.

He’s a great candidate for people who have trouble thinking.

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Warren Buffett still buys oil and gas companies. His rationale, as he explains here by means of a comparison, is that he owns positions in Walmart, even though they sell cigarettes. In other words, he laughs off the moral aspect of investing, as so many billionaires do with such incredible panache.

Anyone who is empowering the fossil fuel industry in its resistance to decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors is either a) ignorant of the issues or b) indifferent to the quality of life that this planet can support, making him a total ass****.

Buffett doesn’t strike me as ignorant.

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Maybe it’s too early to start thinking about reestablishing a society of respect for human decency after we get past our bout with Trumpism.

As suggested in the photo here, it would be foolish to think that the journey will be anything less than perilous.

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FWIW, I don’t believe for a moment that Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, is anywhere near broke.

Keep in mind that he is a professional liar, one who claimed he had ironclad evidence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from his pathologically lying buddy–until it became time to actually produce the evidence. There is nothing about this guy that’s anywhere near honorable.

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Over the past few decades, billionaire Bill Gates has invested heavily into various technologies associated with climate change mitigation.

Here are his thoughts on reducing the emissions from the meat industry, presented in an article in which he points out, “If cattle were a country, it would rank number three in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.”

He claims that, currently, plant-based meat is far lesser recognized than, say, renewable energy and electric transportation as a tool to decarbonize our civilization, and I’m sure he’s correct.

What we have on our side here, however, is that products from companies like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are virtually indistinguishable from burgers, sausage patties, etc. that come from slaughtered animals and the cruelty that factory farming represents.

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Honest people do not have “opinions” on Trump’s guilt or innocence.

In the U.S., we have a legal system that will determine this, in four different criminal courts, where he’ll be tried on (at least) 91 felony counts.

The results are completely independent of what his supporters (or detractors) think about the matter.

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A company called Zero Labs is looking for investment dollars, claiming to be the world’s first platform for the scalable electrification of existing vehicles, aka EV conversions.  They write: We’re on a mission to electrify millions of existing combustion engine vehicles with the world’s first truly scalable solution. Zero Labs has already redefined the category delivering World’s finest fully rebuilt and electrified performance classic cars. Now we’re ready to expand this solution too. We have signed reservations and inquiries for more than 75,000+ conversions representing an immediate addressable market of over $3.6B in potential revenue. Become a Zero Labs shareholder and join the ride as we pioneer this $63B market.

There was a day in which this was a compelling idea.  I remember it well, because it coincided with my own first steps into the EV industry in 2008.  Intel’s Andy Grove made a big splash with his statement that EV conversions were a requirement if the world was going to decarbonize its transportation sector, because the OEMs where unable (and/or unwilling) to scale the manufacturing of electric batteries.

I have to say that I was in love with this idea when I first heard about it, even though I was aware of the fact that each automotive product has its own unique challenges associated with conversion: the design and placement of the engine and its manifolds, the transmission and differential, the exhaust system, the fuel tank, the suspension, etc. Some of these issues are minor, though many render the original vehicle a total nonstarter.

In any case, no one has heard a peep on this subject from the automotive industry in the intervening 15 years. Now, any OEM that expects to be building and selling cars a decade or so hence has a robust plan in place to phase out internal combustion engines in favor of EVs, and thus Zero Labs has zero chance of success.


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We can only hope this young man represents the viewpoints of a very large number of his peers.

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“Cowardice” applies to Congressional Republicans, not to voters.  Trump supporters at the polls are largely people filled with ignorance and hate.

Republican congresspeople who are scared of losing their jobs in the primaries, and so pretend to stand behind the former president, truly are cowards.  Most people can’t come close to imagining how spineless a human being would have to be to go along with Trump’s nonstop barrage of lies and crimes against his country, knowing full-well that they’re violating the oath they took to defend this nation and its constitution.

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Planting a vegetable garden is a wonderful thing to do, but why the silly hyperbole?

The “barter system” dates back 6000 years; it’s by far the oldest form of economic transaction. I give you corn and you cut my hair or shoe my horse.

If human civilization devolves to a point in which only those who grow their own food can eat, we are, each one of us, supremely screwed.


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