We know that the Earth is experiencing record high temperatures, and that these data points are not isolated, but are part of long-term warming trends that derive from the buildup of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere, largely due to our civilization’s consumption of fossil fuels.
We also know that the overarching economic power structures on this planet couldn’t care less about abating the unprecedented levels of suffering that are making their way around the globe: the mass displacement of populations due to the disappearance of land masses, the storms, the wildfires, the loss of biodiversity, the acidification of our oceans, and so on.
I met a young fellow today who was interested in this subject, but believed that our response is based on lies foisted upon us by the woke socialists. “Isn’t it true that wind turbines require a great deal of oil to manufacture the blades and maintain themselves in operation?” he challenged me.
I explained that, although there is no environmental “free lunch,” there are a great number of actual facts that matter. When it comes to renewable energy, the most important metric is “EROI,” or “energy return on investment.” Wind turbines return somewhere between 18:1 and 30:1 in terms of EROI, meaning that, on average, if we spend one kilowatt-hour producing and maintaining a wind turbine, we’ll get, say, 25 kilowatt-hours back over the time of its operation. Meanwhile, most of that energy displaces what would have come from coal, with its greenhouse gas emissions in terms of CO2 and methane, its heavy metals in the form of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and selenium, as well as its incredible array of extremely toxic, carcinogenic radioactive isotopes.
Did I make an impact here? Frankly, I’m not sure. But if I failed, it wasn’t because I didn’t try. That’s all that can be expected of us, IMO.
Believe it or not, there are people all around this country who are reveling in the mass shootings that took place over the holiday weekend in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Fort Worth. That may sound like an outrageous statement, but incidents like these bring huge spikes in gun sales, as idiots everywhere become even more convinced that they need guns, especially the weapons of war, to protect themselves, and the gun industry is all too happy to oblige them.
One might think that the ever-escalating slaughter of innocent people, especially tiny children, would bring us closer to the commonsense gun laws that exist in civilized nations around the globe. Yet the precise opposite is true.
At left we see an example of a disturbing trend, i.e., the precipitous decline in the number of Americans who consider themselves environmentalists. According to this article, a 1989 Gallup poll reported that 76 percent of Americans considered themselves environmentalists, but by 2021 that had declined to 41 percent.
It’s possible, however, that this is a matter of semantics, as most of us (about 70 percent) favor public policies that control air, water and toxic waste pollution.
The author of the article linked above speculates: What has happened is that the image of environmentalism and environmental advocacy itself has become entwined in the political polarization that has infected all aspects of American political life.
That’s certainly true. The anti-woke crowd stands in vehement opposition to anything that benefits humankind, and taking care of our planet is just one example.
Times are not good here in the United States. In particular, we seem to be on a train that is speeding towards the destruction of everything that made us great: fairness, honesty, and the upholding of our citizens’ rights.
Looks sharp, but one wonders: what’s the market demand for this style of transportation?
I remember with great fondness the years between 2005 and perhaps 2015 when start-ups all around the globe were designing cars like this and introducing them at the world’s most prestigious auto shows. But most were never actually produced, and those that were proved to be catastrophic failures for investors.
Here we all are, almost a decade later, and we still see a steady stream of auto design that has no more chance for success than the Ford Edsel.
We hear people ask, “Why can’t progressives play as dirty as today’s GOP?”
The best answer is that it’s not an option. You either act fairly and honestly, or you’re just a different flavor of a political party of thugs that is aggressively trampling over rule of law.
As I was just explaining to my son, most people outside our country are deeply saddened, and, in fact, utterly astonished at what’s happened here re: Trumpism, hate, ignorance, lies, and most of all, the attempt to overthrow American democracy.
As someone told me, “We simply feel sorry for you. We neverthought anything like this could happen in the United States, a nation previously regarded as honest, sane, and successful. You were the envy of the Earth.”
On a practical level, here’s another point to be made about progressives: we tend to stay out of prison.