Here’s the scoop on Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KA):
He “serves” Republicans as the senior senator from the state of Kansas. DEMOCRACY SCORE: D — POOR. Made no public statements about the election, or was evasive. 
Voted against impeachment or conviction of Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection.
Voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack.
Did not vote on holding Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress.
Sen. Moran failed to hold Donald Trump accountable for his role in inciting the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. While he conceded that “President Trump was wrong to continue to spread allegations of widespread fraud and not immediately discourage the reprehensible and unpatriotic behavior” in the time leading up to the attack, he ultimately voted to acquit.
Should anyone be shocked by this?  Does this guy look like someone who has the integrity to call out Trump as a traitor to his country, in a state where 70% of voters adore the former president?  When doing so would end his term in the senate?
To the degree that we’re an ignorant nation, we elect human scum like this, and we deserve precisely what we get.
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Everywhere you look, you find another proof-point that there is absolutely nothing that Trump could do or say that would alienate his supporters.

That’s what makes this situation so intractable.

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As much as I detest Trump, I hope these initiatives fail.

Most obviously, they seem to violate the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of due process.

But more importantly, this country cannot heal itself if Trump supporters believe that the Democrats, the Deep State, the Hollywood Elite, Big Tech, or some other “sinister” force illegally thwarted their will.

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The video here actually isn’t a scam; the machine and its user will generate some electrical energy, though the title is a bit misleading; the energy doesn’t come from the magnet.

In the 1830s, Michael Faraday discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism, in particular, that changing a magnetic field near a conductor will induce a current to flow.

The energy in the video ultimately comes from the sun.  The sun’s energy is converted into chemical energy in food, which becomes the work that the person performs to move the magnet, which becomes electrical energy that drives the fan and lights the lamp.



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It’s a bold statement, to be sure.

It says, “I don’t understand that Trump will be tried by four different juries of his peers, people whom both the prosecution and the defense believe to be capable of objectivity. An incredible amount of evidence will be presented, much of which was used to generate the four indictments, each returned by grand juries, also composed of unbiased Americans.”

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To be sure.

Personally, I like to make it difficult for the folks in this little “God and country” town to figure out that I’m a progressive.  My license plate holder mentions “public radio,” but I doubt most Trump supporters know what that means.

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Though I’m not a religious person, I grant that there is plenty of wisdom in the Bible and other theological texts.

In fact, most religions warn their parishioners against falling for what could be called “suppressive persons.”  That said, how skilled those parishioners are in identifying these harmful people remains to be seen.

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Actually, this is how most Americans, young and old, think of Trump, along with the vast majority of people around the globe.

That’s because most people have identified him as a sociopath and a career criminal who is only now coming to justice.


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The only other person on Earth less able than Trump to make fair moral judgments, Vladimir Putin, has declared that the U.S. justice system is “rotten,” based on its prosecution of the former president.


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The facts as reported here are true, but I’m not sure Biden deserves any moral credit for what happened.  If he did, he’d be pushing for things like the Carbon Fee and Dividend, a movement that would incentivize everyone at all levels of the energy and transportation food chain to decarbonize.


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