So true. If you happen to be at a place in your life that it makes sense to open your own business and you need to hire employees, let the meme here be your watchword.
To whatever degree you can pay them generously and communicate your appreciation, you’ll be paid back in huge proportion.
Today’s economy tends to exploit human capital; employees, generally, are paid just enough to prevent them from quitting.
Comedy laureate Andy Borowitz says it all here, but this time with a bit of philosophy on top.
Is it possible that America would be better off if the nine people we have positioned to uphold the basic rights of all Americans weren’t in the pockets of billionaires?
The late senator from Alaska Mike Gravel left us with this note about fear.
There is a reason that we live in fear, and that is that we live in a democracy where people need to be motivated to vote for a certain candidate. These people running for office are not idiots, and they know that our higher instincts are not what get us to the polls.
And this is especially true today, where the common American is so poorly educated and so stressed from the pressures of stagnant wages that he’s easily terrified that things could get even worse.
Watch out for the immigrants coming for your jobs, for the gays coming for your kids, for the socialists coming for your fossil fuels, for the colleges coming for your conservative values, and above all, for the Democrats coming for your guns.
Many Americans agree with the author of the meme here.
Two observations.
1) Your wishes will not be granted. Trump and this horrific period in U.S. history will be discussed for as long as an organized human civilization remains on Earth.
2) This is a good thing. Forgetting how close the United States came to becoming an authoritarian state would be a terrible thing, as it would increase the probability of a recurrence somewhere later in time.
While it’s true that most of the world is making only meager progress towards their climate/environment goals, certain localities are doing much better than others.
Here we see some of the improvements that Dusseldorf, Germany has made.
An old friend is a big believer that the Earth has been visited by alien civilizations, and I’m flattered that he occasionally reaches out to me to get my perspective on articles like the one linked above. I have two observations:
1) I have no way to authenticate the content of this or the hundreds of other papers that have been published on the subject over the past 75 years or so. Especially in today’s world of disinformation, QAnon, etc., I’m suspicious.
2) Over the past 40 years, and especially the periods when I was an extremely frequent flier, I have asked, say, 50 gray-haired airplane pilots if they’d ever seen a UFO. So far, I’ve gotten 49 “definitely nots” and 1 “I saw something I couldn’t explain, but I wouldn’t call it proof of an extraterrestrial aircraft.”
It’s interesting, and extremely sad, that humankind is just now arriving at the point where it’s starting to identify exoplanets that may support intelligent life–just when we’re baking our own planet, and destroying our civilization with hate and ignorance.
The “Tea Party Patriots” say Justice Thomas needs our support now more than ever.
I guess I’m a bit muddled here; I struggle to understand how there possibly is anything “patriotic” about supporting a Supreme Court Justice who lied about the gifts he was receiving from someone who has business in front of the High Court. That makes Thomas a common criminal, and I thought that patriots stood for rule of law.