Apparently there are people so ignorant that they don’t understand that all 200+ sovereign nations on Earth have their own decisions to make re: vaccines, their uses, mandates, lockdowns, health policies re: schools, workplaces, restaurants, etc.

They also don’t understand that Dr. Fauci doesn’t make these decisions, even for the United States.

It’s just pathetic.

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The problem isn’t that we’re not intelligent.  It’s that we (most of us anyway) have other attributes that work counter to our intelligence: greed, selfishness, tribalism, and indifference to the suffering of others.

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From the ad at left:
Implementing modern drilling and recovery methods for a sustainable future. Prospera Energy aims to become a low-cost producer, operating in compliance with regulatory and environmental standards.
Sorry, but I don’t think I know anyone stupid enough to believe that better oil and gas extraction methods will create a sustainable future.
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From this ad soliciting limited partners: Our flexible financial options fit your needs by creating custom deals to help you grow your business. All backed by industry-leading customer service.

What are you talking about? If you want to contribute to baking the planet, that’s one thing. You’re an ass****; just admit that to yourself and go for it. But please don’t mislead yourself with this fake business jargon.

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Re: the meme here, two quick points:

If you believe that your kids are engulfed in messaging, especially from their school teachers, that tells them that “America is terrible,” you’re a gullible, brainwashed fool.

If you dispute the idea that your country should be presented objectively for its strengths and weaknesses, thus shutting our people off from the information they need to observe and fix its problems, you’re a good deal worse.

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I would add that we can vote against them in our elections and encourage others to do the same.


Prosecute them if they commit crimes, regardless of the support they have from other awful people.

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This is one of the twits whose message is that America’s “two tiers of justice” means that rich and powerful people like Trump are treated more harshly by our legal system than common citizens. That might play in her home state, but the level of ignorance required to believe this garbage does not exist in most other places, thank God.

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Here’s a news clip from the months leading up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

See if you notice anything strange about it vis-à-vis today’s politics in America, and ask yourself if there’s anything repulsive about her.

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“In an administration defined by lawlessness, Peter Navarro was one of the most lawless,” said ethics expert Noah Bookbinder. “It is positive that he was convicted.”

All this is wonderful.  But is he any closer to going to jail now than he was before the jury’s decision? I’m not sure.

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I’m glad Newhart made this comment, so I don’t have to.

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