Here’s another variation on the theme of storing off-peak energy by pushing a mass uphill, and then releasing the mass when energy is needed.  Think of it as pumped hydro without the hydro.

This has an advantage over competitive ideas in that no natural change of elevation is required; you simply dig a deep hole in the ground and seal the walls so it doesn’t cave in.

The problem, as I’ve covered extensively over the years, is that battery technology is improving steadily, where this concept is based on the discoveries of Newton (~1660) and Faraday (~1830) and cannot possibly become more efficient or energy dense over time.

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The meme  here reminds us of a sad fact: there will always be irreconcilable differences between the left and the right.  That’s because, regardless of what the left happens to want America to become, there will always be words in the English language that Fox News and the like can use to twist progressives’ ideas into something malignant.

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The leader of the Proud Boys is going to serve a minimum of 85% of his 22-year sentence, or 18.7 years, behind bars for his role as the most culpable of Trump’s foot-soldiers in the former president’s efforts to overthrow the U.S. government post the 2020 presidential election.

Are we satisfied that the leader of the largest club of hateful morons has lost most of his adult life to a hellish existence, simply because Trump commanded him to act in this capacity?

I’m not.

If the justice system can’t send Trump to prison, and if I were hearing this case, I’d be reluctant to hand down these extremely severe sentences against the idiots who followed the explicit instructions of the President of the United States.

Btw, I chose the photo above featuring Tarrio and Roger Stone in an effort to convey my disgust that Stone hasn’t yet been indicted for his part in this conspiracy.

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The snarky meme here suggests that making changes in our society is useless, because we still have problems.

This logic may appeal to idiots, but those capable of reason understand that becoming more sensitive to racial minorities is a good thing in and of itself, and that it’s part of a long-term effort to promote social equity.

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Many of us wish we could return to the 1970s, when we were almost completely unaware of the long-term environmental damage we were inflicting on our planet.


With knowledge comes responsibility.

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Journalist, author, and commentator Chris Hedges is one of America’s finest minds.

Here, he reminds us of one of the most devastating effects of Donald Trump on U.S. society, which the former president put into play according to his core policy: always accuse your opponents of the precise crimes you have committed.

We can all remember perfectly well that, before Trump got ahold of it, the term “fake news” was a reference to things like Newsmax, Fox News, etc.  Within a few weeks after he took office, however, he had vigorously used it to rename the entirety of mainstream media and anyone else who dared point out Trump’s true character.

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2GreenEnergy supporter Gary Tulie writes from his home in Buckinghamshire, England (near London):
Hi Craig, 
I don’t know if people in the US realise how much higher murder rates are in parts of the US than they are in the UK. 


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It’s true that China represents a threat to American hegemony on the planet.  Personally,  I expect all this to happen by entirely peaceful means, but the U.S. would be ill-advised to ignore China’s military buildup.

In any case, here’s what life was like here when the picture was taken, i.e., before our global economy in which all eyes are on China.  One hundred years ago, American:

Life expectancy was 53.6 years (vs. 79.1 today).

Real (adjusted for inflation) gross domestic product was 0.8 trillion (vs. $25.5 trillion today).

Then consider illiteracy rates, indoor plumbing, and all the other miracles that come with a booming world economy.

I know this is not a popular viewpoint, but I believe that the majority of the tension between the U.S. and China would dissipate the moment the United States drops its claim to leading the world financially and militarily, by forcibly excluding other large countries.




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Herman’s Hermits are an English rock and pop group formed in 1964 in Manchester and fronted by singer Peter Noone.
Hits include “Mrs. Brown you’ve got a lovely daughter,” “I’m into something good,” and “Can’t you hear my heart beat?”
It saddens me to report that Noone, who lives in  Montecito (near Santa Barbara, CA) is a garden-variety Trump supporter.
Of course, not all pop/rock icons are progressives; witness Ted Nugent.  But fortunately, the entertainment world is dominated by people with decent, humanitarian values.
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Here’s a video presented by a gentleman who calls himself “Rich,” making me wonder, for a millisecond, why he didn’t use his full name.

It’s an offer to sell instructions on how to build a small solar PV array that generates electricity for “one-tenth the current price per kilowatt-hour,” using panels that are “100% efficient.”

Their introduction: “This free video presentation reveals an MIT-Designed “Smart Tower” capable of generating up to 20x more electricity than conventional solar panels.”

Coincidentally, I was just explaining to an old friend why all this is scientific bs.  The first and most obvious is that the “100% efficiency” claim violates the second law of thermodynamics.

Also, current day PV is ~25% efficient.  To say that these solar panels generate 20 times more energy means that they are now, not 100% efficient, but 500%.

My friend totally gets that part, but what she didn’t understand is why the theoretical limit of PV efficiency is far below that. It’s because the energy of the sun’s photons that are incident on the Earth’s surface have a huge range of frequencies, thus energies.  Some are too low to dislodge an electron in the substrate, and others are so great that, although they do dislodge an electron, the rest of their energy is lost.


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