This from MSNBC correspondent (and Harvard graduate) Joy Reid. Good one!
DeSantis, whose singular appeal is limited to the very most hateful and ignorant Americans, is trailing Trump by about 50 points, so we won’t get to see him in the general election.
And yes, there are people who would vote for a grizzly bear for president rather than a Democrat, so he might get, say, 30% of the popular vote.
As I posted earlier, we don’t see this level of hostility and abject stupidity in any other country in the developed world.
Yet, keep in mind how Donald Trump would have been regarded in any other country in the developed world; he would have been laughed off the debate stage as the criminal conman that he so obviously is.
We stand alone in our ignorance and our hatred.
I was raised by fairly strict, and decidedly conservative parents, and my father carried (actually, flew) a weapon in World War II (a B-17) but he had no interest in guns and the like in peace time. I wish these kids had the same advantage.
In most of these family portraits, even the little girl withe the angelic smile has a derringer or a Saturday night special. Maybe these folks come from a more sophisticated branch of MAGA America.
Seriously, it’s a sad aspect of U.S. society that many of us believe we need weapons of war to protect ourselves and our property, mainly from the Democrats who are, for yet another decade, trying to overturn the 2nd Amendment and “take away your guns.”
Do you see this level of abject stupidity in any other country in the developed world? Of course not. We stand alone as a sick, demented joke.
As we go into the first debate of the Republican presidential candidates leading into the 2024 election, presented by Fox News and moderated by two of its hosts (pictured), try to imagine any set of Republicans prior to this one agreeing to appear under the aegis of a “news” source that is clearly and admittedly based on lies.
Fox coughed up close to a billion dollars to settle a defamation lawsuit from plaintiff Dominion Voting Systems, which proved to a jury that Fox News knew that Trump lost the 2020 election, but repeatedly broadcast the lie that the voting was rigged and that Dominion was largely responsible for this crime.
Try to imagine any Republican you can remember: Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, or Bush 43 agreeing to have anything whatsoever to do with such an entity, let alone using it to forward their political careers.
Fast-forward just a few years, and Fox is the very home of the GOP.
I dedicate these words from Sophocles to all those who hope Trump suffers a fatal heart attack, or dies of some other cause.
Trump’s death will do very little to restoring sanity, decency, and honesty to America’s Republican party. In fact, it would probably impede the process.
Healing can only occur in the context of a close and objective examination of what has happened since the 2020 election and the application of justice accordingly.
It would be interesting to know exactly how many of Trump’s lawyers have quit, and under what circumstances. I’m sure the author of the meme here has presented some good insight into this matter.
I’m not sure the issue of pay is valid any longer, because I doubt anyone with the IQ of a turnip would do business with Trump without being paid in advance.
While yes, it seems strange that we’re sitting around watching the planet bake, keep in mind the following factors that makes this an extremely complicated and difficult problem to solve:
Human society is organized around 200+ sovereign countries, each acting, for the most part, independently of the others.
We conduct period meetings in which world leaders come together to discuss the challenge, and occasionally they make promises about future reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, but there is no supervising body with the strength to enforce compliance.
Most of the emissions come from the developing world that lacks the financial capacity to invest in clean energy solutions.
The will of the people means essentially nothing in terms of overall decision-making, even in a so-called democracy like the United States.
Mitigating climate change will require sacrifice on an individual level, and, as we’re observing, very few people are willing to make cuts into their personal lifestyle for the common good.
Achieving some level of consensus that action must be taken means fighting through the propaganda that continues to belch forward from the oil companies.
Texas Oil and Gas says: Oil Prices Are Surging!!! Own a piece of Texas Oil & Gas! NOTICE: YOU MUST BE AN ACCREDITED INVESTOR TO QUALIFY!
My response:
Yee haa! Ford, General Motors, and all the auto/truck OEMs in Europe and Japan/Asia are going 100% electric, but somehow oil must be the fuel of the future. Mercedes will sell its last gas- diesel-powered car in 2025.
But there are still gullible idiots out there. Rake ’em in while you can! Once again: Yee haa!
Below is linked a piece on Swanson dinners, which were most definitely a part of my brother’s and my life as children. When my parents were going out on a “date night,” this is what we would have for dinner, and it was actually pretty good. The point: there would be no post-meal clean up and the babysitter could mind us with no distractions.
Ann Blyth, one of the last living legends of Hollywood’s Golden Age, celebrates her 95th birthday today. The former promoter of Hostess Twinkies is still with us. Further proof that there is no God.
Her most memorable commercial: “When my children come home from school and want a snack, I say, ‘Fine, but it has to be Hostess.'”
The implication is that Hostess foods were more nutritious than other snacks on the market at the time, but can anyone possibly name one? The Twinkie is almost as close to pure sugar as you’re going to get without opening a few packets and pouring them directly down your kids’ throats.
We’re looking at the power of a celebrity endorsement, regardless of how insincere it may be.