Hate pervades many different socio-economical classes in the United States.

Upper-class white people hate the majority of Americans for desiring to help the less fortunate. They use lawmaking to protect their privilege.

The lower class hates anyone coming within 10 or 15 feet of their homes.  They use their fists.

I don’t really connect with either, but I wonder what the guy who wrote the sign at left would have done with a better education.

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Is our planet regressing deep into its bloody past?  No.

Fortunately, the rejection of science is almost nonexistent outside the United States.

You won’t find other people in the developed world believing that the pandemic was a government plot or that the rising temperature of the Earth is due to solar activity, or that laws should be based on religious texts, or even that healthcare should be withheld from those who cannot afford it.

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Let’s assume that this guy is exactly right, and the number is 30% on the nose.  But we need to keep in mind that it’s unequally distributed around the 50 states, so you’re going to have places like the Deep South where all this regressive garbage represents a majority perspective.

This translates into states in which abortion is banned, LGBTQs can be discriminated against, creationism is taught as science, people regard that Trump (and future con artists) as national heroes, and kids grow up believing that climate change is a hoax and that pandemics are government plots.

The problem is that this goes on in perpetuity, as ignorance and hate beget more ignorance and hate.

Can it spread?  Yes, if we let our educational system continue to founder.

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You just found it.

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If I told you that you’re an “energy citizen,” what would you take that to mean?  Doesn’t it sound like a good thing? Doesn’t it seem to imply that you’re concerned about reducing the carbon footprint (and other forms of pollution) in the energy you consume?

We’ll, if that was your thought process, you would have fallen for the trickery of the American Petroleum Industry, whose purpose is to prolong and expand the consumption of fossil fuels to the largest degree possible.

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I’m sure there are Democrats who get sent to prison for committing various felonies, but it’s amazing how seldom we hear about them.

Here’s a former GOP senator from Tennessee, who tried to legalize LGBTQ discrimination, going down for 21 months.

It’s almost as if hatefulness and criminality somehow go together.

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From this article on climate denialism:

Videos that compare climate activists to Nazis, portray solar and wind energy as environmentally ruinous and claim that current global heating is part of natural long-term cycles will be made available to young schoolchildren in Florida, after the state approved their use in its public school curriculum.

Slickly-made animations by the Prager University Foundation, a conservative group that produces materials on science, history, gender and other topics widely criticized as distorting the truth, will be allowed to be shown to children in kindergarten to fifth grade after being adopted by Florida’s department of education.

Teachers who use the materials “will not be reprimanded, cannot be pushed back on about it, we are approved on the curriculum”, said Jill Simonian, director of outreach at PragerU Kids, the youth arm of the organization. “More states are following Florida. I’m applauding. This is (a) step in the right direction.”

If your goal is to use propaganda to deliver anti-scientific thinking to impressionable young minds, so as to protect the fossil fuel industries at the expense of baking the planet, I’m impressed. Get to them early, before they become capable of thinking for themselves.

As I’ve pointed out in the past, even the name “Prager University” is a lie.  It’s not a university; it doesn’t confer degrees; it’s not in any way an academic institution.  It’s just another extremist organization on a mission to move America even further to the right.

Re: their spokesperson’s claim that “more states are following Florida,” it’s a foregone conclusion that Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and the other states at the very bottom of the nation’s educational rankings are also rejecting climate science.

But what influence will America’s most intellectually defective regions have on the ultimate outcome? The developed nations of Earth, including most of the United States, have already realized that we will not have an organized civilization on this planet by the end of the 21st Century if we allow this rejection of science to dominate our thinking or our lawmaking.

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District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who has been assigned to preside over the case in which Trump is accused of trying to overthrow the U.S. government, finds herself in a tough position.

That’s because Trump continues to spread lies in order to win over public opinion and make threats against prosecutors, perhaps because he knows that the judge is unwilling to find him in contempt of court and remand him into custody until his trial.


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As shown in the video below, an auto analyst, “Elliot” takes a spin in Toyota’s Japan-only electric kei car: the C+Pod, and asks, “Could this tiny EV be the affordable electric car we’ve been waiting for, and a sign that Toyota might be more serious about electric that it first appeared?”

The answer is no. Toyota knows very well that low- and medium-speed EVs (top speed 37 MPH) have an extremely limited appeal, if only because they require most people to own two cars.  And this one, made of plastic, sounds like a distinctly noisy and otherwise unpleasant driving experience.

To me, this appears like just another attempt at greenwashing on Toyota’s part.  I don’t even give it a C+, pardon the pun.

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Regardless of how this ends for Trump, it will be a very long time before we (and the rest of the world) can begin to forget the vast humiliation that Trump has leveled upon the United States of America.

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