Here’s a talk by Mitt Romney in 2016, leading up to the presidential election, when he was a member of the now-extinct species known as the moderate Republican.

Yes, there was a time when the platform of an entire American political party was not lies and criminality.

What drove Romney into irrelevance?  The answer is in the meme here: he called out Trump for the fraud he was, at the precise moment in time when the U.S. was hellbent on catapulting a sociopath into his position as the most powerful person on Earth.

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Here’s a company looking for investors.  And who wouldn’t jump at a chance?  They claim to have solved a very real problem, i.e., how to enable EV owners who live in apartments to charge their cars.

They write:  Power Hero makes EV charging convenient, accelerating electric vehicle adoption. As an engineer, CEO Esmond Goei encountered the same problem that everyone living in apartments experiences. Unless it’s convenient to charge at home, EVs are not an option.  Power Hero gives anyone the control to charge on their own terms.

Unfortunately, they don’t say anything about their solution.  If that doesn’t concern you, or seem like a total fraud, feel free to sign up.

Well, you might want to read about some of the legal s*** that Goei, a “serial entrepreneur,” has been in previously.  Nah, just send them a big check.

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It would be impossible to list all the forms of damage that the re-election of Donald Trump would inflict on the United States.

At a minimum, it would confirm the world’s belief that the U.S. is just as defective morally and intellectually as it was in 2016, and has learned exactly nothing through what it’s experienced over the past eight years.

It would also demonstrate conclusively that a rich and powerful man can commit any crime imaginable, in this case, treason, and not only walk away free, but be catapulted back into the White House, and regain his position as the most powerful person on Earth.

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I laughed when I saw this because I have many times asserted that Trump’s opponents don’t carry on with lavish public displays about their political belief like the former president’s supporters.




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There is no doubt that Washington has its bureaucrats, but what it doesn’t have is a commanding majority of the right-wing extremists we find in the red states. There is precious little support in Congress, and even less in the electorate, for the federal criminalization of abortion, teaching creationism as science, or an energy policy that guarantees the consumption of fossil fuels in perpetuity, and the slow death of most of the Earth’s life forms.

If DeSantis gets his way, we’ll have certain regions of the United States that are among the most backwards and regressive on Earth.


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As suggested here, the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump is based exclusively on testimony from Republicans.

Trump is bluffing that he’d like all this televised, so the world can watch and conclude that he’s being treated unfairly, that all 86 witnesses are perjuring themselves, and that the charges against him are baseless.


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From this interview with John Bolton, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump and former ambassador to the United Nations:

“I think probably the most important thing … for people to understand (is that) Donald Trump doesn’t really have a philosophy as we understand it in political terms,” he said. “He doesn’t think in policy directions when he makes decisions, certainly in the national security space. It’s really all connected with how things benefit Donald Trump.”

Imagine that.  Did anyone think that Trump was capable of any other thinking than his own enrichment?

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There are so many disgusting elements of Trumpism that it’s hard to know where to start.

The militant arm of the MAGA is going to prison.

Trump supporters have surrendered whatever capacity for critical thinking they may have had at some point in their lives.

But perhaps worst of all, poor and angry people are sending what little money they have to support a career criminal billionaire conman.

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If we still have an organized civilization here on Earth 100 years from now, we’ll have many people to thank, one of which will be David Attenborough, whose work has done so much to raise public consciousness about the fragility of nature and the need to act responsibly.

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Speaking of things that are not easily dislodged, let’s look at the tens of millions of American voters whose belief in the honesty of the 45th U.S. president is unshaken, even after his third arrest on multiple felony counts.

What happens to Trump is far less important than what happens to the United States as a sovereign nation, as a result its having lost its capacity to think.

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