All this may be true.  But does it matter?  Does the U.S. Justice Department have the integrity and courage to indict an extremely popular person, for the precise crime that you or I would be spending decades in prison if we had committed it?

One has to hope so, especially since a run-of-the-mill FBI agent is spending 12 months behind bars for taking a  (single) classified document home.  When she was caught, she confessed and returned the document immediately.  She didn’t hide it, claim she had the right to have it, deny the charge, nor did she claim that she was the victim of a witch-hunt.  She quietly plead guilty and subsequently reported for a year in prison, knowing that she would be regarded for the rest of her life as an ex-con who had betrayed the trust that had been bestowed on her by her country.

In former days, criminals like Trump would have been hanged, or, more recently, fried in the electric chair or executed by lethal injection.


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As we are all aware, there are critics of renewable energy whose arguments are that it’s expensive.

The fellow photographed here is holding a 10MB hard drive from the 1960s. If IT hadn’t been taken forward and scaled, the date storage in your cell phone would now cost upwards of a trillion dollars.

But, as we know, technology does march forward, and the best of it becomes part of our everyday lives. When it reaches scale, it costs an infinitesimally small fraction of what it did in its infancy.

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The idea that Trump supporters are members of a cult is not a new one, but let’s examine exactly what this means.

The word “cult” denotes a group whose members have lost their capacity to think for themselves, and who have become slaves to a black-and-white reality in which the leader’s ideas are always right, regardless of evidence to the contrary, and those who reject him are fools, or, more commonly, representatives of evil.

The author of four books on the subject who is interviewed in the video below is an expert in this space.  I use the word “expert” carefully, but who could be more qualified?  He was a Jewish kid who, in 1974, bought into the cult of Sun Myung Moon whose message, among others, is the Holocaust was required to rid the Earth’s population of Jewish vermin.  He eventually realized that he’d been conned.

Best of luck to the totally socked-in Trump supporters.  May they be granted the luxury of self-inspection.

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When my wife read my post from the other day on Ron DeSantis’s pledge to destroy leftism, she commented that the presidential candidate was referring to passing laws that would make certain acts illegal, not to changing human thinking and behavior.

She has a point, but this is still not going to happen, because we live in a representative democracy, where we the people elect our lawmakers.

If hateful morons happen to be a majority in Florida, that’s one thing; they deserve what they get.  But try to pass federal laws that ban abortion, destroy the environment, and teach creationism as science in our schools, see how far you get.

“Leftism” (aka wokeness, kindness, decency) is a set of values shared by the majority of Americans.  The promise to  destroy these ideals carries with it a great level of appeal to mean-spirited idiots, but fortunately, that’s a distinct minority.

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From 2GreenEnergy supporter Rafael Quezada who notes: The sadness is, at times, overwhelming for me.

I hear you, my friend.

I’m reminded of an old pal who sold his house in Ojai (central California) many years ago, when he saw the writing on the wall re: climate, especially droughts and wildfires.

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The answer is largely that the health insurance industry has an extremely powerful lobby that makes the idea of nationalized healthcare an impossibility.

Of course, it doesn’t help that Americans are singular in their indifference to the well-being of their countrymen.  This has always been a feature of life here in the U.S., but Trumpism has taken it to a new level of selfishness and cruelty.

If you ask Europeans if they think it’s acceptable to let people die of treatable diseases, they’d laugh in your face.

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What Pete Seeger says here is, of course, 100% true.  But just look around and see for yourself how far we are from any concept even remotely approaching his idea.

We live with the fundamental rule that we, if we’re rich enough, can do essentially anything we like, regardless of its consequences to the planet.

To take one of hundreds of examples, we’re belching out the toxins from the consumption of fossil fuels into our atmosphere a full 45 years after it was revealed to Big Oil that this practice was in the process of rendering the Earth uninhabitable.

Activists care.  Proponents of deregulated capitalism don’t.   That’s where we stand.


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“The insult is likely a misspelling of the word ‘milquetoast,’ which is an adjective used to describe a feeble or meek person.”

Is there some chance that this walking embarrassment to the United States will be forced out of the political spotlight anytime soon?

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The gentleman shown here parading the Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol has been ordered to report to prison to commence his three-year sentence.
He has no worries if Trump or DeSantis is elected because he (and many hundreds of others) will receive presidential pardons. Republicans have no problem with violent attempts to overthrow the U.S. government–if it means keeping one of theirs in power.
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It probably hasn’t dawned on his followers, but “leftism” is a set of values shared by the majority of Americans.  Abortion rights, environmental responsibility, the application of the rule of law to all, equal opportunity, quality education, separation of church and state, even universal healthcare–these are all supported by most of us.

Even if that were not the case, neither DeSantis nor anyone else can “destroy” these values.  Ask yourself is there is anything an American president could do to make you change your viewpoints on any of this stuff.

An anyone could have predicted, this is rhetoric aimed at the truly stupid.

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