Here are two viewpoints on the social and physical features of countries that contribute to the murder rate.
It should be noted that Mexico is plagued by drug cartels that terrify (and often kill) the locals. Also, El Paso has 1100 armed police officers, tasked with preventing violent crime. These people report to the duly authorized city and state government, not to the cartels.
Here’s an article from Inside Climate News called: Mike Huckabee’s “Kids Guide to the Truth About Climate Change” Shows the Changing Landscape of Climate Denial—Producers of climate misinformation are targeting kids and families, delivering an updated message that acknowledges global warming, but minimizes the influence of human emissions.
It begins:
Beverly Grimmett thought the kids magazines she saw stacked on a coworker’s desk this spring were perfectly innocent, until she picked one up.
“My stomach turned,” Grimmett said.
The guides were decorated in bright colors and cheerful cartoons, with titles like “The Kids Guide to Socialism,” “The Kids Guide to Our One Nation Under God,” and, finally, “The Kids Guide to the Truth About Climate Change.”
There is no way of measuring the damage that this propaganda is inflicting on American society, and there is certainlynothing we can do about it.
We need to live with the fact that climate change may render this planet virtually uninhabitable, and there still will be people, incapable of critical thinking, who support the fossil fuel industries, simply because they are told to do so.
Where does the enormous amount of money come from to fight those of us concerned about environmental responsibility? And what exactly is these donors’ purpose?
To be honest, I don’t know.
In 2006, ExxonMobil acknowledged that it had been funding sham research groups whose charter was to “prove” that climate change is a hoax, and, in that press release, promised to stop that evil practice.
But are they trustworthy?
Without making any accusations, some extremely wealthy people are spreading this “survey” all over the Internet.
An old friend writes about the cloud formation shown here:
The skies and the clouds don’t look like they used to. Someone is creating this. What for??? Lots of strange weather lately. Someone posted, For example, that a blanket of white has draped itself over Ireland for the past six weeks or so with incessant rain.
Hmm. What’s more likely, than “someone is creating this,” or, as our scientists have been telling us for decades, our planet’s climate that has been relatively stable for many thousands of years has been radically changed in the last century due to human activity?
Our capacity to think rationally is our last hope.
Right this minute, you’re reading the words of someone who has reviewed a couple of thousand cleantech business plans, and over the last 14 years in this endeavor, who’s developed a few guiding principles to simplify matters.
One is that presentations that demand more of readers’ attention on the problem than the solution are probably losers. Do I want to read dozens of pages explaining how climate change is a threat to humankind? No, I’d rather the author didn’t insult my intelligence, and concentrate on their proposed solution.
Here’s a great example. Yes, the widespread adoption of EVs will require ubiquitous charging stations, and people living in apartments face a challenge that doesn’t exist for owners of single-family dwellings. We all understand the problem, but we’d be more interested in the proposed solution.
As could be expected, it’s a call for would-be investors. But if you want investment dollars for your cure for cancer, perhaps you should tell us what it is.
People like those pictured at left actually do exist, but they’re rare. If only college-educated cast ballots, Trump would have lost the 2020 election by 40 million (rather than 7 million) votes.
The more people are exposed to more of the world’s knowledge, the more likely they are to see through Trump, and recognize him for what he is: a criminal conman.
It’s no exaggeration: Republicans have a plan to literally doom us all to climate catastrophe — all for the benefit of their corporate masters.
Hundreds of conservative operatives have outlined a plan for Donald Trump or any Republican to target climate action and clean energy programs.
One thing we have on our side in the 2024 election is voter turn-out.
Whether you have a piercing desire to see Donald Trump held accountable for trying to overthrow the U.S. government, or you’re concerned about abortion rights, education, healthcare, the environment, or any of dozens of issues there is something that will motivate you to vote.
That’s really bad news for Republicans, and good news for all decent people.
Yes, we have stupidity at play here, but that’s only part of the problem. In the 50 years since the fall of Richard Nixon, America has taken a considerable nosedive in terms of its core values of honesty and integrity.
Try to imagine, in the 1970s, a Congress and an electorate that would tolerate a pathological liar and criminal conman in the White House, a man whose one and only interest is his own enrichment.