This from (real) Christian pastor John Pavlovitz.

Exactly right, and this is the real tragedy that most Americans are dealing with, i.e., the knowledge that we live among people with truly horrible values.

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In 2009 I interviewed one of the early developers of electric transportation, Wayne Goldman, whose daughter just called me to tell me of his passing.

He will be missed.

Above is a link to our initial conversation.

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At left is a reminder of a disturbing fact: the corporate world is making very few changes to its business models so as to slow the pace at which the Earth’s temperature is rising and its inhabitants are suffering droughts, storms, wildfires, the loss of biodiversity, and devastation of our oceans, and loss of land mass.

And this goes far beyond the most obvious offenders, e.g., Big Oil.  Ask McDonald’s what it’s doing to stop the devastation of the Amazon rain-forest.  Ask Nestles about its efforts to keep microplastics out of our waterways.

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The sign this young man is holding expresses a commonly held belief, i.e., that scientists are sanctioned for expressing views that run counter to the mainstream.

I actually don’t doubt that this is true at some level.  If you believe that ivermectin is effective in treating COVID-19, or that climate change is a Chinese hoax, you’re going to run into headwinds from the legitimate scientific community.

Over the years, I’ve interviewed a number of climate scientists to create chapters on global warming for my four books on renewable energy. I asked one guy if he was aware that some people believe that professionals in his field profited off claims that Earth’s temperatures are rising.  He snickered, and replied, “Of course I’m aware of that.  But the is truth that, here I am, a professor and research scientist at a university with a fairly unimpressive salary. If I could disprove the theory of AGW (anthropogenic global warming), I’d be rich beyond measure.”

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As suggested at left, the truth used to be a big deal to our society.  The motto of Harvard University, arguably our nation’s most prestigious institute of learning, is veritas, signifying that truth is something worth a considerable investment on the part of its students’ parents.

That was before the rejection of science and the anti-woke movement.  That was before Trumpism and the idolizing of a man whose entire life has been one long series of lies to cover up his criminal activities.

That was then; this is now.

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Hardly a day passes in which there are no stunning revelations about Trump’s lies and his attempt to cover up his crimes.

What he said in the headline here is just the latest example.

Keep in mind, as illustrated in the meme here, that has been Trump’s stock in trade for the entirety of his life.  There is no reason to expect any change now, nor at any point in the future.  Whether he winds up in prison, or in Russia, or Saudi Arabia, he will insist on his innocence til the day he dies.

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87% of Americans want mandatory background checks for prospective gun owners.

It’s a priority for 7 out of 8 of us. It’s as close as you’re going to get to a unanimous issue.

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truck decorated with flags ahead of Trump’s visit

From the right-wing Western Journal:

Fox News remained the dominant force in prime-time cable news ratings even after the seismic change of getting rid of star host Tucker Carlson, the network announced Tuesday.  And its liberal competitors combined are barely even close.
The inference here is that most Americans are conservative, which is not the case.  What did it mean when Trump held huge rallies while Biden stayed home?  Answer: Biden won by 7 million votes.
The habits of progressives are far different than those of Trump supporters in a great number of respects, one of which is pictured above.  Do you see people displaying huge Biden flags from their cars and trucks?
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Here’s an article describing what happens when global temperatures rise and the less fortunate are unable to find relief from the heat and humidity.

The phrase “less fortunate” is key here.  The well-being of wealthy people is impacted only to the degree, as the situation gets worse, law and order breaks down and society becomes chaotic.


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I thought this was funny, though I wonder if its author was serious, and used the graphic here to encourage moron investors to come onboard.

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