From my colleague Joe Spease:

Republicans, including Mike Pence, are working to kill the fantastic programs to fight climate change that were started by Biden. Republicans are making it clear that the future of our children is not as important as the profits of oil and gas companies. They still deny that climate change is a problem. They claim to be pro-life but care nothing about the millions of people being killed each year by climate change. Remember that when you vote in the election.

Thanks, Joe.  It’s nothing short of disgusting, to be sure.

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This July is the hottest one in history, but it’s only one of many broken temperature records that has caused some climate deniers to change their positions on global warming.

Some, but not all.

At left, Fox News interviews Steve Scalise, one of our country’s very worst people.


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No one expects Trump, for the first time in his life, to suddenly admit that the hot water in which he finds himself is due to his own misconduct.

But the problem here isn’t that Trump wants our pity; it’s that he wants our rage.

Wait till he’s convicted of the charges leveled in any of these indictments.  He’ll try to make January 6th look like a schoolyard pushing match.

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When Nikki Haley was a U.S. Representative from Hawaii, it appeared she had solid values on things like LGBTQ rights, abortion, environmental sustainability, and so forth.

Now she’s running for president as a Republican, and she’s flip-flopped on all these issues.

What do you call someone who sells their honor and integrity for money?


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I coached a few of my son’s soccer teams when he was a boy, and I recall getting after him when he would challenge a referee’s call.  “You’re a player; you play.  He’s a ref.  Let the ref ref.”

I feel the same way about our military leaders. I think they do a pretty goddamn good job protecting our nation, and they certainly don’t need instruction from Ron DeSantis, grandstanding for the votes of hateful morons.

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It’s true; if this crackpot’s last name weren’t “Kennedy,” he’d be getting the same attention as a presidential hopeful as my gardener.

My gardener, FWIW, is a sane, responsible, hard-working and kind man.  I’d vote for him every day of the week over Kennedy, and obviously, Trump.

His English is only marginally better than my Spanish, but that’s not what matters.  Character counts.

Unlike Trump, for example, he’s not a career criminal whose sole motive is his own enrichment/empowerment.


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Anthropologists generally consider the assertion here to be true.  Over most of the past +/- 200K years, humankind has fared well, largely due to its capacity to take care of its fellows.  Yes, we’ve had our tyrants over the millennia, but they have never, not a single one, gotten a death grip on the rest of us, and that’s precisely because we the people have always had the will and the capacity to stand up and fight for our rights.

The recent past, however, has drawn this into question.  What we’re experiencing here is the end game of unbridled capitalism, and just look at its most visible features.

In particular, notice that we’re incapable of preventing Big Oil and its billionaires from baking this planet.  America elected an obvious criminal conman as its 45th president. Homeless veterans are dying of treatable diseases. There is an entire political party in the U.S. dedicated to destroying the “woke,” i.e., those with any sincere concern for the well-being of others.

Cooperation is as fashionable now as the horse and buggy.

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If you want to communicate “I’m Mentally Ill” to the world, here’s a piece of apparel you should seriously consider.

Btw, until just now, I had no idea that liberals don’t like supporting the local economy.

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I truly doubt this.

If you’re a Christian, in the biblical sense, can your faith be damaged in any meaningful way by the existence of a single bad person?

If you’re a Republican Christian, i.e., a spiteful, mean human being, Trump is the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

Calling himself a Christian, while standing against all that Jesus taught, he became the most powerful person on Earth.

He did everything he could to take food from the hungry and healthcare from the sick. He punished the poor and those forced to leave their homelands.

What more could you have wanted?

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Sounds like a tall order, a big ask.

DeSantis is polling at 12% among committed Republicans, or about 5% of the U.S. electorate.

Incumbent President Joe Biden is the heavy favorite at most sportsbooks to win the Presidency in 2024, with probability 60%.


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