Growing One’s Own Food
Re: the meme here, the answer is no.
Think, please.
For at least tens of thousands of years, humankind has figured out how to barter. I’ll cut your hair for 20 ears of corn. I’ll watch your kids for a dozen tomatoes.
Re: the meme here, the answer is no.
Think, please.
For at least tens of thousands of years, humankind has figured out how to barter. I’ll cut your hair for 20 ears of corn. I’ll watch your kids for a dozen tomatoes.
The United States has not benefited from its decision to systemically defund public education. There are kids graduating from our high schools who think that Wisconsin is in Africa.
Yet, as illustrated here, there are children, like this genius, for whom our education system is boring beyond comprehension.
It would be wonderful if we could reach out to, and somehow inspire, all these divergent populations of young people.
At what point during the heating of the planet will greed turn itself off in favor of an interest in the overall survival of life on Earth?
So far, precious little has been done to decarbonize energy and transportation sectors, and there remains an incredibly lucrative opportunity to drive this planet into flames.
Is it the right move? That’s a question only you can answer.
I thought this was funny.
Yes, there are people who believe that the former president is our only real protection against socialism/communism in the U.S. And sure, some believe that progressives hate our country.
But it’s impossible to believe that this level of stupidity represents anywhere near a majority.
Apparently, “Bidenomics,” i.e., the economic policies of the current presidential administration, is a hotly controversial subject.
Fox News and the other right-wing media outlets hate it.
OK, but who approves of it? Well, Morgan Stanley, for one. But why would anyone care about the assessment of a brokerage house with 17,649 financial advisors who collectively manage $2.05 trillion in client assets? What a bunch of woke socialists.
Native Americans are famous for the role they play as caretakers of the natural environment.
By contrast, we European emigres are infamous for our reckless disregard of anything that doesn’t make us richer in the next fiscal quarter.
Here’s a clever meme from Christian pastor John Pavlovitz.
In truth, there is a huge number of people, myself included, who refuse to travel to Florida. I don’t want the hateful, ignorant vibe, and I don’t want to spend a nickel in that state.
I signed up to receive this newsletter, because I’m anxious to see what a Christian viewpoint on current events might be, and, in particular, how it can be “politically neutral.”
Think of what’s current in our news cycle: banning abortion, LGBTQ rights, the criminal prosecution of Trump and his prospects for re-election, the buoys in the Rio Grande wrapped in razor wire designed to lacerate the bodies of would-be immigrants, and the phasing out of our fossil fuels so as to avert climate catastrophe.
Perhaps the perspective here might be “What Would Jesus Do?”
It’s said that nearly 70% of Americans don’t want a 2020 rematch, and that’s not too difficult to believe.
First of all, most Americans, not to mention most people living elsewhere around the globe, are terrified of a scenario in which Trump is the Republican nominee, and the outcome of a single election that could put him back in the White House.
We’re still dealing with the Big Lie; we really don’t want a reprise of the “stolen election” narrative, and live for the coming four years with Trump’s continuing attempt to overthrow the United States government.
There is less drama on the Democratic side. Yes, Biden is old. We all understand that.
Of course, correlation does not imply causation, but common sense suggests that affluence, education, and acceptance of science contribute to longevity. Conversely, ignorance, poor diet and poverty are silent killers.
Other minor points:
Stay away from Sin City (Las Vegas). Too much drugs, prostitution and gunfire?
And what’s up with northern Maine? Too many charging caribou?
I would argue that all this is a function of the average age of the population at the time the map was made. Does living in southern Florida extend one’s life, or were these people old when they got there? My mom will be 97 soon, and I might guess that her life expectancy is somewhere near 105. When she was born in 1926, it was probably about 70.