I would submit that the typical Fox News viewer is in a position far worse than cult membership.

I’m hardly an expert on the subject, but I don’t believe cult leaders ever admit that they lied.

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A reader notes: Both STILL LYING about the election…

Yes.  We all need to hope that this whole phenomenon is a short-term fad, and that a few years from now we’ll be able to scratch our heads and ask. “Do you remember when tens of millions of American voters were go gullible that they believed that when Republicans lost an election, that meant the process was rigged with massive fraud?”

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Here’s an astonishing interview from Fox News in which one of their hosts points out that tax dollars from the affluent blue states are getting sent south so that states like Alabama can have decent schools and roads.

Her point is that if the folks in southern states want to elect Republicans who consistently vote to cut government spending, that’s fine, but they should be prepared to live with lousy healthcare, education, environmental quality, and infrastructure, and not mooch off the taxpayers in the rest of the country.

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When a friend sent me a link to his concept for a solar-powered car, I thought immediately of all the ideas I’ve come across that are built on the misunderstanding that electric motors with horsepower ratings that enable open-road driving can be powered by an array of solar PV panels on the roof.

I was delighted to see the pic at left.  He built an honest “solar-powered car” for his little boy!  Love it!

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Here’s an investment opportunity for people who don’t understand that the amount of energy that solar PV generates is a function of how many photons are incident upon the panels.  The company writes:

What makes Three Sixty Solar (OTC: VSOLF) so unique (sic) is the company’s patent-pending solar tower design.

For decades now, one of the biggest problems that has held back the growth of solar energy has been real estate. (more…)

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I haven’t put myself through the workshop offered here, but I have to wonder: is it remotely possible that someone is making a buck off the idea of some bizarre notion of “aligning one’s finances with God?”

Now, it’s possible that the take-away might be caring for those less fortunate, healing the sick, or feeding the hungry, but that sounds unlikely, considering that each of these investments will render you less wealthy, at least in the monetary sense of the word.

I’m guessing that it’s a combination of prayer and making lavish donations to the workshop organizer.  A virtual guarantee of riches beyond measure.


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EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION writes: Time is running out.  Complete the survey to vote on what interests you most about carbon capture and storage.

OK, here goes.  Given that carbon capture and storage as a proposed answer to the climate crisis, is one of our world’s greatest bullshit stories, one which has been repeatedly debunked by the scientific community, what interests me most is how the morally bankrupt uber-rich can perpetuate lies like this and not feel the slightest remorse.

Think, for a moment, that your paid to write this garbage and commit this horrific offense against life on this planet.  If you or I were profiting from the destruction of human civilization, we couldn’t live with ourselves.

Therein lies the difference between them and us.

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Had Trump simply returned the classified documents to the National Archives, and not forced the FBI to raid his home, had he not hidden the documents from government authorities, none of this would have happened.


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For more than two years, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has been claiming that he has 100% incontrovertible evidence that massive voter fraud lay at the basis of Trump’s loss in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, that the entire process was a sham orchestrated by Democrats, the Venezuelans, and the Deep State.  When asked to produce said evidence, he said that, even though he wished he could release it immediately, that was not possible.

All this, of course, is old news.

What’s happening now however, i.e., that Walmart is cutting ties with Lindell because of these baseless conspiracy theories, has us wondering why it took a full 30 months to come to fruition.  That’s quite a grace period for someone actively attempting to overthrow the government of the United States.


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The author of the meme at left provides us with a reminder of precisely how insane life in the United States has become since the arrival of Donald Trump on the political scene just under a decade ago.

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