A Christmas Gift the Whole Family Can Enjoy? Not Sure
Pictured here, it’s an indoor open flame, a fire outside of the fireplace if you will, the perfect present for a family with little kids. Some ads show five-year-olds preparing smores next to the Christmas tree, captioned, “bringing the whole family together, one roasted marshmallow at a time.”
No chance for an accidental housefire, right?
Attorneys are already preparing their cases to support a class-action law suit in which thousands of plaintiffs who lost their tiny children in fiery deaths demand huge settlements of compensatory and punitive damages.
A Saturday Night Live segment in the 1980s offered a kerosine-soaked pair of pajamas as a Christmas gift called “Johnny Flame.” It was a joke.
This isn’t a joke; it’s a real, lethally destructive product on the market, and it’s representative of how greedy and stupid we’ve become in just 40 years.