For all those fans of NPR’s The Hidden Brain, here’s my very favorite episode.

How orderly are our lives, and the paths that our lives take?  We like to think that we’re in control, but is it just simply an illusion?

For those wishing to explore these ideas, you’ve hit pure gold.

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In the year 2009, the year 2GreenEnergy was launched, the world of renewable energy had high hopes for the technology shown at left.  At the time, solar thermal had a huge advantage over competitive approaches to clean power, in particular, the fact that the energy generated by the array was heat, and the storage of heat energy in huge vats of molten salt was extremely inexpensive, compared to the storage of electrical energy in batteries.

While the storage issue remains alive today, the cost of energy from solar PV and wind has sunk to the point that solar thermal is no longer competitive.


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One of the most remarkable aspects of Trump’s character is that he has zero sense of restraint, regardless of the amount of rebuke that is cast about him.

Will any of this shut him up?  Of course not. Sullenberg simply gets added to the “enemies list.”

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With Trump it’s always a matter of “what you can get away with,” and with the MAGA base, that means pretty much anything.

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There was a time when the motto of the U.S. president was, “The Buck Stops Here.”

Those days seem long gone.

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Love the cartoon here.

Anyone who expects anything at all virtuous from this sociopath is a fool.

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There must be a limit as to how far this lunacy can go on.

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Quick! Any fifth- or sixth-grade kid! Why can’t this be true?

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At left we have the words of American actor Woody Harrelson.

Obviously, the thought he expresses here isn’t new, though it’s a powerful one.  He’s correct in that we need feelings of compassion and harmony for one another more now than we did before this country was cleaved in half when Trump came to power.

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From what we can see at left, there are still people who are surprised that President Trump is an insane and thoroughly dishonest human being.

We would all be best served by understanding that, regardless of the matter at hand (in this case, a tragic and poorly understood accident that has left countless family members grieving), Trump is incapable of making any statement not calculated to aggrandize himself at the expense of his enemies.

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