Times are not good here in the United States. In particular, we seem to be on a train that is speeding towards the destruction of everything that made us great: fairness, honesty, and the upholding of our citizens’ rights.
Looks sharp, but one wonders: what’s the market demand for this style of transportation?
I remember with great fondness the years between 2005 and perhaps 2015 when start-ups all around the globe were designing cars like this and introducing them at the world’s most prestigious auto shows. But most were never actually produced, and those that were proved to be catastrophic failures for investors.
Here we all are, almost a decade later, and we still see a steady stream of auto design that has no more chance for success than the Ford Edsel.
We hear people ask, “Why can’t progressives play as dirty as today’s GOP?”
The best answer is that it’s not an option. You either act fairly and honestly, or you’re just a different flavor of a political party of thugs that is aggressively trampling over rule of law.
As I was just explaining to my son, most people outside our country are deeply saddened, and, in fact, utterly astonished at what’s happened here re: Trumpism, hate, ignorance, lies, and most of all, the attempt to overthrow American democracy.
As someone told me, “We simply feel sorry for you. We neverthought anything like this could happen in the United States, a nation previously regarded as honest, sane, and successful. You were the envy of the Earth.”
On a practical level, here’s another point to be made about progressives: we tend to stay out of prison.
To conservative Americans, I pose this question: What’s the matter with Liz Cheney as your candidate for U.S. president in 2024?
She’s not “woke” in any sense of the word. She’ll stand by your side in your belief that God blesses our country, that abortion is murder, that climate change extremism is a danger to our economy, and that we need to “close our borders” (whatever that means).
The only thing not to like about Cheney is that she is sane and reasonably honest. She sees a coldblooded liar and criminal in the person of Donald Trump who aspires to take over our country by fraud, and she calls him out on it.
What a shame it is that about one-third of Americans are locked inside a cult, completely cut off from the outside world.
The small town in Central California in which 2GreenEnergy makes its “headquarters” seems to be having a problem with dog owners who are not cleaning up after their pets. This, understandably, has drawn the ire of some of the locals who must navigate around the piles as they go out for walks around the neighborhood, and many of them have taken to expressing their feelings on social media.
What makes this interesting is that there seems to be some level of controversy. One fellow wrote, “Oh get over yourselves.” Apparently, we’ve reached the point where it seems there is literally nothing we can all agree on. People have no obligation to remove their dogs’ feces from the roads?
I first had this disturbing realization when I learned that there are plenty of Americans who think of themselves as clearheaded and patriotic who are rooting for Putin in Ukraine. I would have thought that the commission of dozens of different war crimes, ranging from waging an aggressive war to the indiscriminant torture and murder of innocent citizens, would have been hailed universally as a bad thing. No such luck.
Obviously, there is point to made here about Donald Trump, a man whose support base has no concern about the amazing variety of felonies he committed during and after his term in office.
Frequent commenter Scott McKie remarks on my recent post Nikki Haley on Fox News?: “(She’s) nothing but a political “street walker” — plain and simple.
Exactly, Scott. When Haley came on the scene years ago, then a Democrat, she seemed to be using her intelligence and charm to support progressive positions. A few years later, apparently the political winds had shifted, and now she’s on Fox News. That’s a prostitute.
I just met a woman from Belgium who told me that their traditional cloudy and cool summers have been replaced by climate that most people consider to be more conducive to summer fun: sunny and hot. And, of course, at those latitudes, daylight lasts until almost midnight. Sounds like good times for all.
The result of global warming will be catastrophic on average, but not for everyone. If you grow wheat in Western Canada, you’re in great shape.
To take another example, think for a moment of the wine business, where the traditional regions are rapidly falling apart in terms of their capacity to support the highest end of viticulture. Note, in particular, that the Champagne region of France, after centuries, appears to be on its way out due to extreme summer temperatures.
Maybe you have real estate in areas that, in the past, were too cold that are now perfectly suitable to the next 50 years of grape-growing. You’re in great shape.
This is where the Mondavi family finds itself. Robert, with his $400 million wine business, also manages his father’s $600 million estate. They’re in the process of selling the combined $1 billion in assets on the basis that climate change will, over as short a window as the next 8 – 10 years, make it impossible for them to make wine that’s worth anywhere close to the $700/bottle price that have made them among the world’s most wealthy.
They’re buying up huge swaths of land in stable and more temperate climates, mainly along the shores of many of the Mediterranean islands, which are protected from soaring temperatures due to the heat sinks of the sea.
I recently ran into an extremely wealthy woman who had attended a seminar in which Robert Mondavi explained his plans to a small group of the financially elite, where, predictably, there were a few from the extreme right wing who kicked back that climate change was a hoax, foisted on the world by the Chinese to destroy American capitalism.
According to the story the woman told me, he responded, “My dad and I favor science over Fox News, or whatever information source you may believe. We’re doing what we think is best with our fortune. You, of course, are at liberty to do what you wish with yours.”
Fox News has agreed to pay $12 million to Abby Grossberg, a former producer for Tucker Carlson, to settle her two lawsuits claiming the network was a hostile and discriminatory environment and that Fox pressured her to lie in a deposition.
When I see civil litigation in cases where crimes appear to have been committed, I tend to wonder why the defendant wasn’t charged. If I had asked one of my employees to lie under oath, I’d expect to be indicted accordingly.