As noted in the Washington Post, BP is scaling back its climate goals and deepening its investments in oil and gas, casting new doubts on big oil companies’ promises to embrace clean energy. This may or may not be related to the fact that their profits have more than doubled since 2021.

At this point, does anyone believe there is any real sincerity in their slogan “Beyond Petroleum?”

Someone noted recently that Big Oil has gone “insular.”  They’ve realized that they are completely unworthy of the public trust, and that they are detested by those of us who are working to achieve environmental sustainability.  We’ve reached the moment at which they no longer see any benefit from trying to reverse this situation.

If there is hope here, and there is, it will come, as the sages have suggested, not from destroying the old but by making the old obsolete, in this case with the electrification of the energy and transportation sectors.

The grandchildren of today’s oil executives will need to deal with the fact that their ancestors did their damnedest to get rich by rendering this planet uninhabitable.

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Two points to be made here:

1) The percentage of those who identify as Christians in the United States and Europe is quite clearly falling, though that doesn’t mean that nonbelievers are “hostile” to the faithful.

2) Hostility comes in when Christians seek to impose their beliefs on society as a whole.  We don’t want religion taught as science in our schools, we don’t want it used to block our epidemiologists from protecting our health, we don’t want religion fanaticism taking away women’s rights or blocking our attempts to prevent environmental collapse.

On these points, we most certainly do have a tendency to be hostile.


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I was stunned to see presidential hopeful Nikki Haley appearing on a Fox News broadcast.  Is this a good look for someone who wants to be taken as a serious candidate to lead our nation in the post-Trump era?

The majority of Americans have liberal values when it comes to things like gun control, quality education, healthcare, environmental responsibility, LBGTQ rights, Ukraine, and abortion.  Why do Haley and her advisors think it’s a good idea to appear with the lowbrows?

Thomas Friedman examines this issue in his NY Times opinion piece: The Fox Newsification of Nikki Haley, an excerpt from which is:

Let’s start with Fox News. We all sort of knew the truth about Fox, but now there can be no doubt: Fox News is to journalism what the Mafia is to capitalism — same basic genre, but a morally corrupt perversion of the real thing.

I truly don’t get this.


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So true.  If you happen to be at a place in your life that it makes sense to open your own business and you need to hire employees, let the meme here be your watchword.

To whatever degree you can pay them generously and communicate your appreciation, you’ll be paid back in huge proportion.

Today’s economy tends to exploit human capital; employees, generally, are paid just enough to prevent them from quitting.

But will greed win out in the end?  I doubt it.


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Comedy laureate Andy Borowitz says it all here, but this time with a bit of philosophy on top.

Is it possible that America would be better off if the nine people we have positioned to uphold the basic rights of all Americans weren’t in the pockets of billionaires?


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The late senator from Alaska Mike Gravel left us with this note about fear.

There is a reason that we live in fear, and that is that we live in a democracy where people need to be motivated to vote for a certain candidate.  These people running for office are not idiots, and they know that our higher instincts are not what get us to the polls.

And this is especially true today, where the common American is so poorly educated and so stressed from the pressures of stagnant wages that he’s easily terrified that things could get even worse.

Watch out for the immigrants coming for your jobs, for the gays coming for your kids, for the socialists coming for your fossil fuels, for the colleges coming for your conservative values, and above all, for the Democrats coming for your guns.

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Many Americans agree with the author of the meme here.

Two observations.

1) Your wishes will not be granted.  Trump and this horrific period in U.S. history will be discussed for as long as an organized human civilization remains on Earth.

2) This is a good thing. Forgetting how close the United States came to becoming an authoritarian state would be a terrible thing, as it would increase the probability of a recurrence somewhere later in time.



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American entrepreneur and Trump apologist Vivek Ramaswamy is running for U.S. President in 2024.  Here’s his platform: 

1. God is real.
2. There are two genders.
3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
4. Reverse racism is racism.
5. An open border is no border.
6. Parents determine the education of their children.
7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.
If you like conservative platitudes, he’s your man.
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From Mary Trump, the former president’s niece.

I normally don’t do too much in the body-shaming arena, but I thought this was funny.

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While it’s true that most of the world is making only meager progress towards their climate/environment goals, certain localities are doing much better than others.

Here we see some of the improvements that Dusseldorf, Germany has made.

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