Re: the meme here, how stupid do you have to be to buy into this?

The U.S. is the only developed nation on Earth without universal healthcare.

Bernie’s trying to make this nightmare end for tens of millions of people.



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MAGA conservatives supporting Ron DeSantis in his fight against Disney are riding high on the fact that the entertainment giant’s recent box office flops have lost them $900 million. They further delight that Desantis’ message, i.e., that Disney loves gays and that real Americans abhor queers of all types, resonates with a great number of Floridian voters.

What they’re deliberately lying about is that Disney’s capacity to earn money is unflagging.  Its net income/loss for the twelve months ending March 31, 2023 was $11.062 billion, a 41.58% increase year-over-year. Its annual net income/loss for 2022 was $3.553 billion, a 40.1% increase from 2021.

We need to add the fact that antipathy towards the LGBTQ community is a total loser in a general election, as the vast majority of American voters support these people’s rights.

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This from Sara Tindall Ghazal a mother, wife, attorney, voting rights advocate, running for office in Cobb County, Georgia:

This evening, literal Nazis dared to show their true colors in East Cobb outside a synagogue, showcasing their hate for the whole world to see. Flying a flag that stands for genocide. My God.

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So began a television news broadcast, referring to the fact that the Russian president has not been seen publicly for at least the last 48 hours.

While all this is intriguing, it’s bound to resolve itself shortly.

And in truth, the only reason I’m writing this post is to make this prediction: Sometime over the next 24 months, these same TV anchors are going to be opening their shows with this question: “Where’s Donald Trump??”

It’s unlikely that he’ll be re-elected, and it’s even more improbable that he’ll escape prosecution and conviction for the broad array of crimes he committed in office and since he left.  It’s hard to imagine that he’ll surrender to federal authorities and spend the rest of his life in prison.

So, what possibilities remain? Here’s one: going underground in some country where he’s liked, and one with no extradition agreements with the United States.

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From these folks: “Our mission is to promote Godly values, provide excellent coffee, and protect every beating heart.”

In fact, this coffee may be terrible. Perhaps horribly bitter, or utterly flavorless.  That’s not the point.

There is one thing that you can’t say about it:  it’s woke.

The anti-woke movement has created an entirely new marketing proposition for practically any product or service.

You can drink anti-woke vodka, or get your hair cut by an anti-woke barber.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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These people want to know: Do you agree that every candidate seeking the Republican nomination for President should pledge to pardon President Trump?

Nice try, but this won’t work.

Again, it comes down to what’s going to happen, not in the primaries, but in the general election.  Do you believe Americans will elect someone who’s pledged to pervert the justice system of the United States?

I doubt it.

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Most Americans would agree that the United States has never seen a greater conman/liar/criminal, who has more brutally ripped off the poorly educated working class than Donald Trump.  Years since he lost the 2020 presidential election by seven million votes, there are still people living in trailer parks, working at Walmart, and dying of treatable diseases because they can’t afford healthcare insurance, who are sending him what little money they have because they believe his claims that the election was rigged, and that, without their cash, he won’t be able to make America great again.

OK, that’s pathetic.  But let’s move on.

Who’s second in line?

There are perhaps a dozen choices that make sense here, but I’m going with Mike Huckabee.  When he’s not collecting money from our nation’s most ignorant folks so as to “keep our kids safe from socialism,” here he is,  fleecing fools with gold investments.

There is no hell, but if there were, he’d deserve a special spot.

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Here’s one of Haley’s solicitations for contributions to her 2024 presidential run, She writes:

We’ve got a country to save! With you by my side, that’s exactly what we’ll do.
My end-of-quarter deadline is coming up on 6/30 and I need all hands on deck!
Pitch in ANY AMOUNT today to get me closer to my goal and win the White House.

And here are the three most recent comments it received on Facebook:

Andy James:  Trump 2024. Make America Great Again! Your (sic) polling at 4.1%.
Steven Breault: Please help support Donald Trump. We can only beat the Teams (sic – Dems?) if we work together.
David Hayes:  Not interested in another of Nimratas (sic – Nimarata is her real first name, so maybe “Nimarata’s?”) grifts.  Ask any of us in SC what a great job she did as Gov.

Strangely, I have to agree.  Looking forward to the Republican convention in 2024, I hope these people go full traitor. They need a criminal who came within a gnat’s ass of overthrowing American democracy. Trump it is.

Fortunately for this country, as monumentally stupid as we are, we haven’t yet reached that point.

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These folks say: Butane-Propane News (BPN) is a leading business publication for propane distributors, marketers, suppliers, and other leaders allied to the industry.

I don’t doubt that, but I would also suggest that selling hydrocarbons might not be the place to be as we move through the 21st Century.  Concerns about climate change and the electrification of everything may pose a serious impediment to your success.


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Those who remember Ayn Rand from her mid-Century novels will recall that she popularized, for a short period of time, the idea that altruism was intrinsically evil, claiming it to be incompatible with human rights, freedom, and capitalism.

That thinking all but disappeared from the face of the Earth until a few years ago, when Trumpism rose to prominence, with its racism, hatred of immigrants, and the gross indifference to human suffering that marks our society today.

The notion that democratic nations’ coast guards could watch hundreds of refugees drown in the Mediterranean Sea couldn’t have existed until recently.

Decent people cringe when they hear Fox News acolytes parrot the phrase: United States is crumbling under “wokeism.”  We can only hope this is a short-lived fad, like Rand’s philosophy was 60 years ago.

The only problem with this hope is that it’s based on an environment of well-educated people who are capable of critical thinking, which has all but vanished over the intervening decades.

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