From right-winger Charlie Kirk: Every “Republican” running for President should suspend their campaign and go to Miami as a show of support. If you don’t, you are part of the problem. Either we have an opposition party or we don’t. GO to Miami Tuesday, and show solidarty (sic) or we will mark you as part of the oppsition (sic).

I have bad news: the vast majority of Republicans are law-abiding people.  You may have heard the term “law and order.”

Decent people do not oppose holding a common criminal accountable for dozens upon dozens of felony charges, especially espionage, and we certainly won’t elect him to lead our country once again.

Is it remotely possible for Trump to win the Republican primary?  I have to admit that it is.  But if you think that criminality will win a general election with close to 200 million loyal Americans, you’re out of your mind.

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By definition, rhetorical questions are posed without any answer expected.

But what the hell.  I have a minute before my morning walk with my wife.

I hope to leave a country where our kids are avid readers, capable of critical thinking, where even the dullest minds would be extremely skeptical of the crap presented here.


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Just when we thought it was impossible for a Republican to make an honest statement, along comes Mitt Romney.

Actually, Trump’s crimes are far more egregious than how they are described here, but at least there is some attempt at decency.


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From this: Within minutes of Trump’s indictment, supporters lit up social media platforms with violent threats and calls for civil war.

It’s hard to imagine a scenario in which Trump goes through the process of being indicted, tried, convicted, and imprisoned that doesn’t involve great violence on the part of his most ardent support base.  Widespread acts of terrorism committed largely by white male Americans appears inevitable.

It’s even harder to imagine a scenario in which Trump doesn’t go down hard.  The DoJ has a 99.6% conviction rate on indictments like the one unsealed yesterday charging the former president with 37 felonies surrounding his criminal mishandling of classified documents.

There will be voices calling for Trump’s most homicidal base to put their weapons down and go home, and these voices will include some prominent and relatively decent Republicans, Mitt Romney to name one.  But sadly, the right-wing media will never back down and admit what every sane person knows: Trump is a bald-faced criminal who must be held accountable for his actions.


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Christie makes a point here, but this specific act of corruption is speculation on his part.

Why not go for the throat?  If I were in front of this audience:  According to the indictment, Trump committed treason against his (and your) country.  Are you seriously thinking about putting him back in the White House?

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We’re not even half way through 2023, but so much has already happened in this space.

If Roger Stone doesn’t go down, it will cause a pain in my very soul.

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Here’s a manufacturer of low-speed electric vehicles (LSEVs), Eli ZERO, who’s showing its product at an event in Spain.  They write: “our new distributor is showcasing the vehicle and gauging the market’s response.”

Sorry, but the world is already completely aware of the market’s response, which I would call somewhere between dismal and abysmal.

I make this assessment based on two things:

a) The unbroken record of failures that we’ve seen over the last 15+ years, and

b) Common sense.  If you live in a large, gated community, you may need a golf cart. Everyone else travels on roads whose speeds far exceeds those that the law requires for LSEVs. That means every Eli customer needs two cars (and thus maintenance schedules, insurance policies, parking spaces, etc.).  How appealing does that sound?

As shown above, these folks are not bashful about raising capital from gullible investors.


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The question on the back of this fellow’s T-shirt is one that my wife thinks about frequently.  How psychologically effed up does a woman have to be to support Trump?

My response, FWIW:

Some people, women included, believe that Trump represents the only viable path forward for all Americans.  If he’s too brash, or too honest, or too prone to “tell it like it is,” let liberals get over it.  He’s the only thing standing in the way of the radical left’s attempt to bring socialism to America and all the horrors it stands for: wokeness, open borders, climate science, and the end of white dominance in our society.

Keep in mind that support for Trump breaks down quickly when it comes to educational level, which comes immediately to mind especially as we find ourselves in late spring, when we think of our loved ones who are graduating from schools and colleges across the land.

As it turns out, my alma mater is celebrating the 200th anniversary of its opening in 1823, and my inbox is inundated with photos of the place (Trinity College, Hartford, CT) through the years, as well as those depicting the pure joy of the class of 2023.

If I lived within a short drive of Trinity, I would have loved to have been there to see those faces. Rude though it might have been, I could have asked a few female graduates if they support Trump.  I would have been laughed off the campus.

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Now that Trump is facing 37 felony counts including espionage, it’s interesting to watch Fox News and the other members of the ultra-MAGA media defend the former president on the basis that the prosecution is unfair.  I just tuned in for a few minutes to see it for myself.

“What about Hunter Biden’s laptop?” a blonde with a good half-a-pound of make-up asked the viewing audience.  “The FBI has had it in its possession for more than four years, and these people are calling for a ‘speedy trial?'”

What will be even more interesting is where this will go over the coming months and years, as additional charges rain down, trials proceed, Trump is found guilty, and sentenced to prison.  Will Team Fox eventually just drop the matter and move on to something else?  Or will they continue to incite another U.S. civil war until heavily armed Trump supporters attack federal law enforcement?

Trump has already told his base that they need to “fight like hell, or they won’t have a country anymore.”  Now, obviously, there are a few hundred of them who took him at his word on January 6th, 2021, and are consequently in jail right now; thankfully, they will be unable to engage in another uprising for at least the next few years.  But the rest are standing by, ready to go.  All they need is a bit of encouragement.




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It certainly would be interesting to know what Steve Bannon knows about the January 6th insurrection, especially given that he told his television audience on January 5th:

“All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. It’s all converging, and now we’re on, as they say, the point of attack.  I’ll tell you this: It’s not going to happen like you think it’s going to happen. It’s going to be quite extraordinarily different, and all I can say is strap in.”

So why did I use the phrase would be interesting as opposed to will be interesting?  It’s because Steve Bannon ignores subpoenas.

When he was sentenced to four months in jail for ignoring a congressional subpoena, was he immediately remanded into custody like you or I would have been?

Of course not. He’s connected to some of America’s wealthiest and most powerful elite, and he knows that he can thumb his nose at the U.S. federal government until hell freezes over.

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